Center-Related News

Vienna Office Andromeda Tower (VCDNP)

VCDNP Visiting US Scholar and Practitioner Fellowship

Application deadline extended to January 31, 2020.

Group photo in front of a government building

Empowering Women in Ukraine and Morocco

Increasing gender equity across the nuclear field.

Université Ibn Tofail

Intensive Course on WMD Nonproliferation and Security for Women in STEM

Deadline to apply for the tuition-free course is January 17, 2020.

Headquarters of Russian Academy of science. Moscow. Russia.

CNS Director Bill Potter Elected to Russian Academy of Sciences

A prestigious recognition of his extraordinary achievements in WMD research, training, and education.

Senator Nunn and Mr. Frank Sesno toast Dr. Potter

CNS at 30

A milestone anniversary for the nation’s largest NGO dedicated to WMD nonproliferation education and training.

We're hiring

Join the CNS Team

CNS is seeking an Executive Director and a Research Assistant/Office Manager for our Washington, DC office.

The slide show presentation event

Answering Threats with Threats

Iranian fears of biological weapons may be driving their offensive development.

At a Russian Foreign Ministry celebration of Amb. Timerbaev's 90th birthday

In Remembrance of Ambassador Roland Timerbaev

It is with great sadness that I acknowledge the passing of a giant in the field of nonproliferation diplomacy.

Students from Japan US and Russia in Nagasaki Japan

Learning from Hiroshima and Nagasaki

To reach peace and security, we need to overcome maintaining the status quo.

(L–R:) IONP Director Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, and CNS Director Bill Potter. Photo taken during DG Amano’s first university lecture after assuming his position as DG at the IAEA. April 16, 2010.

In Remembrance of Director General Yukiya Amano

It is with great sadness that I observe the passing of my friend, Yukiya Amano.