Middle East/Africa

Flag of Iran (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

A Brighter Future for Iranian Nonproliferation?

The Czech visit is one of several signs that Iran is sticking to its commitments under the international nuclear deal made last year.

CNS Holds First Nuclear Security Capacity Building Workshop in Africa

Workshop on nuclear security, regimes, policies, challenges and how to address them.

Academician Alexei Arbatov

Arbatov Discusses Russian Military Intervention in Syria

Alexei Arbatov on the future of US-Russian relations in the aftermath of Russian military intervention in Syria.

Next Generation of Middle East Experts in Prague

The one-of-a-kind network of arms control experts reviews past projects and looks forward to the future.

Training Course for Professionals in Chemical, Biological Weapons

CNS Deepens Background of USG Personnel in Chemical, Biological Weapons

CNS offered US government a one-week course on key issues relating to chemical and biological weapons.

US and Iran Flags (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Iran Deal: Resources and Analysis

Articles, multimedia, and list of experts available for comment on the Iran deal and its implications.

Iran Deal Buys Time: John Kerry and Wendy Sherman

Iran Deal Buys Time: Now America’s Real Work Begins

The Iran deal is merely a first step toward a long-term process of managing the nuclear risks it poses.

Is ISIL a Radioactive Threat

Is ISIL a Radioactive Threat?

How serious is the threat that Islamic State terrorists could acquire and use a radioactive “dirty” bomb?

Saudi Arabia Can Build a Bomb

Sorry, Fareed: Saudi Arabia Can Build a Bomb Any Damn Time It Wants To

Fareed Zakaria’s assertion that Saudi Arabia can’t build a nuke is simply wrong– and its not all that hard to demonstrate why.

Middle East map

OP#22: Planning Ahead: A Blueprint to a Middle East WMD Free Zone

Occasional Paper #22: A CNS report offers legal, technical, and organizational proposals to negotiations and implementation of a WMD-free Middle East.