East Asia

CTBTO Eminent Persons in Seoul

CNS Director William Potter facilitated a meeting of the CTBTO Eminent Persons Group in Seoul, South Korea.

North Korea Bioweapons Program

North Korea’s Bioweapons Program

Analysis of images of the Pyongyang Bio-technical Institute reveals North Korea can produce regular, military-sized batches of biological weapons, specifically anthrax.

Great, Now China’s Got Multiple Nuclear Warhead Missiles?

Does China’s new MIRV capabilities alter its nuclear posture? And is this in direct response to US missile defense programs? Jeffrey Lewis explains.

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida Congratulates CIF participants

Student Conference Held in Hiroshima for 70th Anniversary

American and Russian High School Students Joined Japanese Students in Hiroshima for Nuclear Disarmament Conference

Seoul's Namdaemun gate at night. Image courtesy of WikiCommons.

How South Korea Can Take Advantage of Nuclear Cooperation with the United States

Seoul needs to bolster its cadre of technical policy experts in order to take full advantage of the new US-ROK nuclear cooperation agreement.

2015 NPT Monitoring Report

2015 NPT Monitoring Report – Disarmament

Implementation of the conclusions & recommendations adopted at the 2010 NPT Review Conference Disarmament – Actions 1-22

The Future of US-ROK Nuclear Cooperation

Critics of the new US-ROK nuclear cooperation agreement overlook the future of Korea’s nuclear program and energy security.

China's ambitious plans for nuclear energy

China’s Ambitious Plans for Nuclear Energy

Analysis of China’s nuclear nuclear energy program and potential exports by Stephanie Lieggi and Miles Pomper.

Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria. (Photo: D. Calma/IAEA)

Safeguards and Middle East Issues Signal Contention at the 2014 IAEA General Conference

CNS and VCDNP experts review main issues facing the 2014 IAEA General Conference.

The Future of Civilian Nuclear Cooperation

Congressional testimony highlights future of nuclear energy cooperation and risks of nuclear proliferation