
Andrea Berger

Canada Poised to Play an Important Role in Defusing the North Korea Crisis

Closer coordination is essential as countries with a stake in this issue are still miles apart on everything from the scale of the threat to the most desirable way forward.

President Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev shake hands after signing the INF Treaty. (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Are Arms Control Agreements Losing Their Value?

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty seems to be dying and no replacement is in sight.

The North Korea standoff will get worse: Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump are trapped in a vicious cycle

Nothing good will come from the unyielding stances that prevail in Washington and Pyongyang.

Moscow Command and Control Bunker

US-Russian Dialogue on Strategic Stability Held 65 Meters Underground in Moscow Command and Control Bunker

Participants shared the view that normalizing relations was of fundamental importance to the maintenance of strategic stability.

Donald Trump August 19, 2015 (Credit: Michael Vadon, Wikimedia Commons)

If Trump Wants to Use Nuclear Weapons, Whether It’s ‘Legal’ Won’t Matter

With virtually every other aspect of handling our nuclear weapons, there is a “two-man rule.”

Video: Brazil’s Nuclear Program: Perceptions and Realities

Brazil’s Nuclear Program: Perceptions and Realities

VIDEO: On November 15, 2017, a special event was held to discuss new articles appearing in the Nonproliferation Review.

US Nuclear Modernization Plans to Cost $1.2 Trillion

Trump’s plans to overhaul US nuclear arsenal will cost 20 percent more than our most recent estimate concluded.

Let’s Walk This Through: If North Korea Launches An ICBM, Then…

It takes a lot of rosy assumptions to get to President Trump’s 97% chance of success.

Donald Trump August 19, 2015 (Credit: Michael Vadon, Wikimedia Commons)

Trump Just Started a Nuclear Crisis With Iran

Enabled by a craven Congress, the president is undermining the Iran deal and risking an escalation that he’s incapable of halting.

CNS article

The Problem With Canada’s Ballistic Missile Defence Debate

Canada’s conversation over North Korea policy should not be about missile defence.