
Trump and Kim in Hanoi 2019

Anyone Could Have Seen Trump’s Failure in Hanoi Coming. Except Trump.

US officials are mistaken to think Kim Jong Un will disarm before sanctions end.

The Conversation

Why Proposals to Sell Nuclear Reactors to Saudi Arabia Raise Red Flags

The Trump administration should negotiate a nuclear cooperation agreement as required by US law.

Generic News Logo Foreign Policy

Trump Accidentally Just Triggered Global Nuclear Proliferation

Before the US killed it, the INF Treaty didn’t just stem the arms race with Russia—it stopped the spread of nuclear weapons around the world.

Nikita Perfilyev

Will Russia and China Jointly Deter the United States?

VIDEO: Seminar with Nikita Perfilyev, doctoral student at the University of Vienna focusing on the evolution of Russian-Chinese nuclear deterrence relations.

Martin Pfeiffer

Atomic Advertising as History and Imaginary

VIDEO: Martin Pfeiffer discusses nuclear semiotics: how we create meaning about, around, and through nuclear weapons

Bill Potter and Senator Nunn

CNS International Advisory Council Focuses on US-Russia Relations

This meeting invariably stimulates a lively and informed exchange of views across a range of topics. This year was no exception.

Generic News Logo Foreign Policy

Trump’s Punk Rock Nuclear Policy

The only reason to pull out of the INF Treaty is to give a middle finger to the world.

Peacemaker SS-17

The Presidential Nuclear Initiatives, 1991-1992

An assessment of past performance and future relevance

The National Interest logo

It Is Time to Update the President’s Nuclear Command Authority

Increased oversight, under the right circumstances, would decrease the risk of any US president using nuclear weapons preemptively or without just cause.

U.S. developed M-388 Davy Crockett nuclear weapon mounted to a recoilless rifle on a tripod, shown here at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland in March 1961. (Department of Defense)

Point and Nuke

Remembering the era of portable atomic bombs.