UNSCOM seeks document from Iraqi side in order to have a full understanding of the way those weapons were conceived, produced and in some cases destroyed.
Following the first Gulf War the United Nations Special Commission was created to supervise the destruction of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and missile capabilities.
The group seeks to establish Islamic rule in Egypt by force and targets any secular establishment that they believe to be heretical.
International Export Control Observer (IECO) launched in September 2005. The IECO replaced the NIS and Asian Export Control Observers.
US and Japan established the Commission to conduct official discussions on a regular basis.
Prosecution witness, Jamal Ahmad al-Fadl, detailed his efforts to assist Bin Laden in an attempt to acquire uranium.
The status of nuclear weapons, weapons-usable nuclear material, export controls, and nonproliferation and disarmament assistance programs in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine.
Meeting report with agenda and discussion of possible future sessions.