Key Figures in Saddam’s Government
Post on 14 July 2008 by Anne Marie Steiger tagged:
July 14, 2008

Ahmed Husayn al-Samarrai
- Head of the Presidential Cabinet

‘Uday Saddam Husayn
- Head of the Iraqi Olympic Commission
- Head of the Iraqi Students Union
- Owner of al-Babil newspaper
- Head of the Fidayin Saddam Militia

Ahmed Rashid
- Undersecretary of the
Ministry of Industry

Ali Hassan al-Majid
Former Head of:
- General Security Directorate
- Ba’th Party Northern Bureau
- Ba’th Party in Kuwait
Former Minister of:

Ayyad Futayh al-Rawi
- Chief of the General Staff of the Jerusalem Army
- General of the 2nd Corps
Abid Hamid Mahmud

Rashid Ta’an Kadhim
- Member of the Ba’th Party Regional (i.e., Iraqi) Command

‘Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri
- Assistant Head of the Revolutionary Command Council

Sa’dun Hamadi
- Head of the National Assembly

‘Abd al-Tawab ‘Abd Allah
al-Mulla Huwaysh
- Minster of Industry and Military Industrialization
Image Not Available
Sab’awi Ibrahim al-Hassan al-Tikriti
Former Member of the:
- Revolutionary Command Council
- General Security Directorate
Former Head of the General Intelligence Directorate |

‘Amer Muhammad
Rashid al-‘Ubaydi

Samir ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Najm
- Member of the Ba’th Party Regional Command

‘Adil ‘Abdallah al-Lami
- General Manager of the Nasr State Establishment

Sabir ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Duri
- Former Head of the Military Intelligence Directorate
Mayor of Baghdad

Qusay Saddam Husayn
- Head of the Special Security Organization
- Head of the Special Republican Guard

Tariq Aziz (aka Mikhael Hanna)

Naji Sabri al-Hadithi
- Minister of Foreign Affairs

Taha Yasin Ramadhan al-Jazrawi

Nizar Hamdun
- Former Iraqi Ambassador to the UN
- Undersecretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs