
CNS article

The Thick Red Line: Implications of the 2013 Chemical-Weapons Crisis for Deterrence and Transatlantic Relations

Whether or not American policy after the 2013 Syrian chemical-weapons attack was wise, its execution was bungled, causing harm to US– France relations.

The Likely Reason North Korea Has Stopped Its Ballistic Missile Tests — For Now

This is likely part of an annual slowdown in testing we’ve observed now in North Korea for several years.

Dr. Vladimir A. Orlov

Iran: A New Strategic Partner for Russia?

VIDEO: Seminar with international security and Russia’s foreign policy expert Dr. Vladimir A. Orlov.

Video: Brazil’s Nuclear Program: Perceptions and Realities

Brazil’s Nuclear Program: Perceptions and Realities

VIDEO: On November 15, 2017, a special event was held to discuss new articles appearing in the Nonproliferation Review.

CNS article

Join the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty’s International Monitoring System

There are a number of tangible, practical benefits for both India and Pakistan should they choose to build IMS facilities on their respective territories.

US Nuclear Modernization Plans to Cost $1.2 Trillion

Trump’s plans to overhaul US nuclear arsenal will cost 20 percent more than our most recent estimate concluded.

CNS article

A Carrot-and-Stick Approach to Resolve the INF Treaty Crisis

For 30 years, the INF treaty has proved to be a cornerstone of European security.

Let’s Walk This Through: If North Korea Launches An ICBM, Then…

It takes a lot of rosy assumptions to get to President Trump’s 97% chance of success.

Donald Trump August 19, 2015 (Credit: Michael Vadon, Wikimedia Commons)

Trump Just Started a Nuclear Crisis With Iran

Enabled by a craven Congress, the president is undermining the Iran deal and risking an escalation that he’s incapable of halting.

North Korean Flag in Pyongyang

How the US Turned North Korea into a Nuclear Power

The US has forgotten the cold logic of nuclear diplomacy. Time to remember it.