Middle East

Flag of Israel

Subjecting Israel’s Nuclear Program to the Rule of Law

The time has come for Israel to handle its most open secret differently.

Israel Supreme Court (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Nuclear Governance and Legislation in Four Nuclear-Armed Democracies

A comparative study of four Western democracies’ nuclear-governance structures ahead of an unprecedented hearing on nuclear policy by Israel’s High Court of Justice.

Flag of Iran (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Trump’s Next Self-Inflicted Crisis Is a Nuclear Iran

If the president kills the nuclear deal, the backlash will come sooner than he thinks.


How Better Cancer Treatment Can Also Mean Better Nuclear Security

A report that the Islamic State almost stumbled upon radioactive material in Mosul–cobalt-60, used in radiation therapy–raises a profound dilemma about cancer treatment in developing countries.

Israel’s Secret Plan to Nuke the Egyptian Desert

In May 1967, facing an unprecedented existential threat from Egypt and its other neighbors, Israel drew up a plan to detonate nukes in the Egyptian desert in a massive demonstration of power.

US Blames Assad Regime for Worst Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria in Years

For more on the implications of this latest development, CNS experts are available for comment.

Flag of Iran (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Trump Administration Sanctions Iran After Missile Test

The White House announced new sanctions on Iran following its recent ballistic-missile test. CNS experts are available for comment.

Iran nuclear deal: agreement in Vienna. From left to right: Foreign ministers/secretaries of state Wang Yi (China), Laurent Fabius (France), Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Germany), Federica Mogherini (EU), Mohammad Javad Zarif (Iran), Philip Hammond (UK), John Kerry (USA).

Deal or No Deal: What Should Be the Fate of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action?

With skepticism steeping in both countries, will the deal survive?

The Iranian Nuclear Deal – Myths and Misinformation - Joe Brazda

The Iranian Nuclear Deal – Myths and Misinformation

VIDEO: CNS’ Joe Brazda dispels misinformation put forward by members of Congress and presidential candidates, including president-elect Donald Trump.

A Serious Solution for Syria

The conflict in Syria is a disturbing example of the failure of international response, and the normalization of chemical weapons use in its absence.