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How Big Is Russia’s Appetite for Upheaval?

Even with Trump’s support, Moscow’s disruptive impulses have their limits.

Dr. Adam Stulberg

Putin’s Red Lines: Does He Mean What We Think We Heard?

Watch a video presentation by Dr. Adam Stulberg.

Haaretz logo

Of Centrifuges and Subterfuges

It’s a forgotten chapter in Israel’s history, now revealed in declassified documents.

1960 Intelligence Report Said Israeli Nuclear Site Was for Weapons

The report stated that Israel’s Dimona nuclear project would include a reprocessing plant for plutonium production and was weapons related.

Event on Nuclear Weapons in Russia-Ukraine War at Middlebury College 

Event on Nuclear Weapons in Russia-Ukraine War at Middlebury College 

CNS engaged the Middlebury community on the nuclear dynamics of the ongoing conflict.

The New York Times

Putin Just Suffered a Huge Defeat

CNS expert’s guest essay for The New York Times on the ousting of Bashar al-Assad.

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Rebel advances in Syria spell danger for Russia’s Middle Eastern ambitions

Moscow’s ability to support its regional partner, Iran, is coming under increasing strain.

CNS/MIIS presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Nobuko Saito Cleary for her long-standing commitment to intercultural understanding.

Paper Lanterns Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Experts Call for Ending Wars and Conflicts

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How Ukraine Became a World War

New Players Are Transforming the Conflict—and Complicating the Path to Ending It

collage with university towers, chess pieces, a tank on a beach, smoke

Machiavelli in the Ivory Tower: A CNS videocast series

Ep.12: China’s Nuclear Modernization with Dr. Fiona Cunningham