William Potter’s Articles

NFWZ Clearinghouse

William Potter, Leonard Spector, Lawrence Scheinman, Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova, Nikolai Sokov April 28, 2010 Introduction Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zones (NWFZs) are recognized as important tools of international nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament. In 2009, both the Central Asian NWFZ Treaty and the African NWFZ Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba) entered into force. NWFZs now cover 116 countries including the entire territory of the southern hemisphere. […]

OP#15: Engaging China and Russia on Nuclear Disarmament

Occasional Paper #15: Analysis and recommendations on how to place Beijing and Moscow on “the road to zero.”

Central Asia Becomes A Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone

The treaty was signed approximately eight years after the presidents of Central Asia first issued their joint declaration calling for the zone.

Central Asia Becomes A Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone

Ratification represents a nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation milestone.

Uranium Smuggling Case: Nuclear Materials Still on the Loose

Reports of the seizure of weapons-grade uranium in Georgia raise concerns.

Central Asian States Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone Despite US Opposition

An analysis of the development of the CANWFZ treaty, the opposition to it, and the implications of the newly established zone.

First Soviet Nuclear Test, Joe 1, Semipalatinsk Test Site, 1949, WikiMedia Commons

Central Asian States Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone Despite US Opposition

Analysis of the treaty: development, opposition, and it’s implications.

The Oslo Symposium: On the Road to HEU Minimization

In efforts to combat nuclear terrorism countries seek to limit the civilian use of HEU.

Kim Jong Il and officials

North Korea’s Withdrawal From the NPT: A Reality Check

April 8, 2003 Jean du Preez and William Potter April 10 marks a significant event in the history of the 32-year-old nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Since its entry into force in 1970, the NPT has grown to 188 members and become the most widely subscribed to international treaty in history. That number will decline by […]

Challenges in US-Russian Cooperation

The United States and Russia have to adjust old patterns of thinking to new political realities in order to further cooperation on nuclear terrorism and weapons proliferation.