Nikolai Sokov’s Articles

The New US Plans for Missile Defense: Enough to Reinvigorate US-Russian Arms Control?

A decision to cancel a controversial interceptor is unlikely to overcome the missile defense obstacles that have stalled US-Russian arms control.

President Barack Obama Wikimedia Commons

Critical Questions: Urgent Decisions for the Second Obama Administration

CNS experts propose nonproliferation and disarmament priorities.

NATO-Russia Disputes and Cooperation on Missile Defense

As the 2012 NATO Summit draws near, the lack of agreement between the Alliance and Russia stands in contrast to the promise of the last summit in 2010.

Medvedev’s Statement on Missile Defense Might Postpone Russia Dialogue Until 2013

Medvedev’s statement on military responses to missile defense sounds more threatening than it actually is.

A Second Sighting of Russian Tactical Nukes in Kaliningrad

Russian tactical nuclear weapons appear with some regularity in Kaliningrad oblast.

As New START Enters into Force, Negotiations Are More Challenging

US and Russia find that setting the agenda is an almost insurmountable obstacle.

New START Ratification in Russia

Apparent smooth sailing obscures submerged drama and revelations.

New START Ratification: A Bittersweet Success

Concessions made to win approval challenge Obama’s nonproliferation agenda.

NATO Summits Fail to Resolve Key Disarmament Issues, but Create New Opportunities

NATO and NATO-Russia Summits bring modest opportunities for progress in the coming years.

Reducing & Regulating Nonstrategic (Tactical) Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Moving Forward?

MAY 10, 2010: A panel discussion held between sessions of the RevCon.