Miles Pomper’s Articles

The Nuclear Security Summit Will Leave Unfinished Work

The uneven and limited nature of the summit process means that the nuclear security regime will be a patchwork of initiatives, with far too many holes.

Radiological Cancer Therepy (Source: WikiMedia Commons)

Treatment, Not Terror

A new study by Miles A. Pomper, Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress, and George M. Moore, explores how to both promote cancer therapy in developing countries and prevent radiological terrorism.

Park Geun-Hye meeting with Barack Obama. (source: Wikimedia Commons)

OP#24: Strengthening the ROK-US Nuclear Partnership

Occasional Paper #24: This report identifies challenges and opportunities for the next phase of the ROK-US nuclear partnership.

Why Obama’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Commitments Fell Short

Obama’s presidency has served as an object lesson in the limits of a US president’s ability to shape a global nuclear order amid competing factors, abroad and domestic.

Report Cover

Behavioral Economics and Nuclear Weapons

This CNS report explores implications of research in behavioral economics for policies related to nuclear weapons including nonproliferation efforts

A highly trained and specially equipped quick response unit of the Estonian army, from the 1st Scouts Battalion, secures a road in rural Estonia during Exercise SIIL/Steadfast Javelin. (Source:

Ensuring Deterrence against Russia: The View from NATO States

This CNS report analyzes key NATO states’ threat perceptions of Russia, and provides recommendations in advance of the July 2016 NATO summit in Warsaw.

NATO and the Baltics

NATO and the Baltics: Regional Views on Deterrence Needs

Some NATO members are pushing for a stronger conventional deterrent against Russia, while acknowledging recent measures are steps in the right direction.

Removing Risk: Replacing High-Risk Radiological Sources with Alternatives

By examining the potential for replacing high-risk radiological material, a road map can be drawn and used to increase nuclear security and prevent nuclear terrorism.

Replacing High-Risk Radioactive Sources

OP#23: Replacing High-Risk Radiological Materials

Occasional Paper #23: CNS researchers offer governments a roadmap to replace high-risk radioactive sources with non-isotopic alternatives.

Highly Enriched Uranium-Free Zones

The Case for Highly Enriched Uranium Free Zones

Regional HEU-free zones would help cement a global norm against civilian HEU use and strengthen nonproliferation and disarmament efforts.