Masako Toki Articles

CNS Deputy Director Elena Sokova

CNS Celebrates International Women’s Day

Celebrating the outstanding work and achievements of CNS women leaders, researchers, and staff.

William Potter, Masako Toki

Celebrating 15 Years of Disarmament and Nonproliferation Education

CNS experts on the need to inform and empower citizens for peace.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and Karinne Gordon, Pacific Grove High School

CIF Students as Youth Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons

For the second year in a row, four CIF students were invited to present their work at the prestigious conference in Hiroshima.

OP#33: WMD Proliferation Risks at the Nexus of 3D Printing and DIY Communities

Occasional Paper #33 examines the degree to which additive manufacturing – including its distribution and use – may be introducing new proliferation risks.

Battered religious figures stand watch on a hill above a tattered valley. Nagasaki, Japan.

Hibakusha, the Ban Treaty, and Future Generations

This time every year, we have an opportunity to learn more about what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when atomic bombs were dropped on these cities.

: CIF students and teacher with Dr. Lassina Zerbo and other CTBTO Youth members at the “Advocacy Tombola” session. Photo credit: CTBTO.

Critical Issues Forum at the CTBTO Science and Technology Conference in Vienna

Students engaged with policy experts, high-ranking officials, and science and technical experts in nuclear-test monitoring.

CNS Summer Nonproliferation Program Attracts Top-Level Undergraduates

Top-level undergraduate interns work and study at CNS this summer, focusing on current challenges to the nonproliferation regime.

CIF student participants with Dr. Lassina Zerbo, the Executive Secretary of the CTBTO

CTBTO’s Dr. Lassina Zerbo Spoke at CIF Spring Student Conference in Nagasaki

US, Russian and Japanese high school students met to discuss the nuclear test ban treaty, a world free of nuclear weapons, and youth education.

Event flyer highlighting Dr. Lassina Zerbo

US, Russian, and Japanese High School Students Meet in Nagasaki to Discuss CTBT

Dr. Lassina Zerbo, the executive secretary of the CTBTO, is scheduled to deliver the conference’s keynote address.

CIF Youth Forum in Nagasaki

US and Russian Critical Issues Forum Students Shine in the Youth Forum in Nagasaki

DECEMBER 11, 2016: Four CIF students were invited by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the “Forum of Youth Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons.”