Masako Toki Articles

CNS Summer Nonproliferation Program Attracts Top-Level Undergraduates

Top-level undergraduate interns work and study at CNS this summer, focusing on current challenges to the nonproliferation regime.

CIF student participants with Dr. Lassina Zerbo, the Executive Secretary of the CTBTO

CTBTO’s Dr. Lassina Zerbo Spoke at CIF Spring Student Conference in Nagasaki

US, Russian and Japanese high school students met to discuss the nuclear test ban treaty, a world free of nuclear weapons, and youth education.

Event flyer highlighting Dr. Lassina Zerbo

US, Russian, and Japanese High School Students Meet in Nagasaki to Discuss CTBT

Dr. Lassina Zerbo, the executive secretary of the CTBTO, is scheduled to deliver the conference’s keynote address.

CIF Youth Forum in Nagasaki

US and Russian Critical Issues Forum Students Shine in the Youth Forum in Nagasaki

DECEMBER 11, 2016: Four CIF students were invited by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the “Forum of Youth Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons.”

2016-17 Critical Issues Forum Focuses on CTBT

This year’s participants will study nuclear weapon-testing history, the CTBT negotiations, the treaty’s current status, challenges, and prospects.

Bill Potter and Jeffrey Dayton-Johnson enjoy conversation with Sarah and Tom Pattison.

Major Supporters and Friends Meet with CNS Summer Interns

JULY 27, 2016: Students share their research and engage in lively discussions with important funders.

CNS DIrector WIlliam Potter and CTBTO Executive Secretary Dr. Lassina Zerbo

CTBTO Executive Secretary Meets with Future Leaders

The CTBT’s future depends on engaged youth and effective nonproliferation education.

Summer Undergraduate Nonproliferation Program participants

Summer Nonproliferation Training for Top-Level Undergraduates

The competitive program furthers the CNS mission: to combat the spread of WMD by educating the next generation of nonproliferation experts.

Hiroshima and Obama’s nuclear disarmament legacy for future generations

Barack Obama’s nuclear policy and its effectiveness over the course of his administration, through the scope of Hiroshima.

2015-16 CIF Online Teachers Workshop

The 2015-16 Critical Issues Forum Project started with an online teachers’ workshop.