Masako Toki Articles

Students with Dr. Potter and Masako Toki in front of the CNS sign outside

Four Middlebury College Students Gain Invaluable Experience on Nonproliferation Issues During the J-Term

CNS hosted Middlebury College students as part of its annual Winter Term Undergraduate Internship Program.

CNS/MIIS presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Nobuko Saito Cleary for her long-standing commitment to intercultural understanding.

Paper Lanterns Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Experts Call for Ending Wars and Conflicts

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)

CNS Congratulates Nihon Hidankyo on Winning the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize

CNS is honored to have partnered with Nihon Hidankyo on various education and training programs.

Students, experts, and donors standing around the CNS sign

CNS Summer Undergraduate Fellows Share Research Projects at Event with Major Supporters

The projects were driven by high-quality research methodologies and innovative studies, resulting in original perspectives and engaging presentations.

2024 Summer Undergraduate Fellows with Dr. William Potter, CNS Director, and Masako Toki, Sr. Project Manager

CNS commits to educating the next generation of nonproliferation experts through the Summer Undergraduate Program

This summer again, a cohort of twelve highly qualified students has been selected as Undergraduate Fellows through a competitive and rigorous selection process.

Jamaican ambassador to Japan Shorna-Kay Richards and CNS Director William Potter

Ambassador Richard’s Speech Highlights CNS’ Impact on Nonproliferation

Ambassador Shorna-Kay M. Richards spread a message of urgency to address a myriad of global problems but also one of hope.

Hideo Asano holding a microphone

MIIS/MANPTS Alumnus Hideo Asano Strives to Join Forces for Nuclear Abolition

This new group is aiming to persuade the Japanese government to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) by the year 2030.

Participants group photo outside on the steps in the sunshine.

2024 CIF Spring Conference Report

High school students and teachers from Japan and the United States discuss ways to advance nuclear disarmament through youth education.

Margarita Kalinina-Pohl, Masako Toki and other colleagues at the "Stronger than Death" Monument in Semey, Kazakhstan (2014)

CNS Experts Observe the International Day Against Nuclear Tests by Raising Awareness about Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Tests and Nuclear Weapons

CNS experts commemorate the day with an interview with The Astana Times and a webinar with a hibakusha.

Young woman looking at a sign

Respect for Hibakusha, and Hope in Younger Generations

Voices of people who suffered the most under the mushroom cloud have often been marginalized.