Jon Wolfsthal’s Articles

Jon Wolfsthal

CNS Deputy Director Appointed to National Security Council

Jon Wolfsthal will become the new Senior Director for Nonproliferation and Arms Control at the NSC in December.

INF Treaty Compliance

Russian Cheating Is Not New—Neither is Compelling Them Back Into Treaty Compliance

Russia has violated the 197 INF Treaty. The US can get them back into compliance.

Middlebury Student, Nate Sans

Middlebury Students Thrive in Monterey

Students have lots of ways to explore all that Monterey and CNS have to offer

Jon Wolfsthal at The Wilson Center

Jon Wolfsthal on Iran Nuclear Negotiations and Timelines

CNS Deputy discusses ongoing Iran nuclear negotiations, timelines, and possible pitfalls if and when an agreement is reached.

Jon Wolfsthal

Iran’s Nuclear Program: Negotiating Solutions

Some of Iran’s past nuclear activities have to be disclosed, but maybe not all.

Ukraine Missile Silo, Wikimedia Commons

Ukraine Crisis Could Have Been Nuclear

The Ukrainian crisis would have been a nuclear crisis, if not for past US-Russian cooperation.

The Pentagon, source:

The Myth of American Nuclear Obsolescence

Conventional wisdom in Washington DC suggests the US is the only nuclear weapon state not modernizing its nuclear forces, but it is dead wrong.

iran nuclear agreement

The Iran Nuclear Agreement

Seminar on the Iran Nuclear Joint Plan of Action featuring CNS experts.

The Interim Nuclear Deal with Iran

Reactions to the Joint Action Plan Implementation Agreement Summary by the White House.

Assessing the Iranian Nuclear Deal

The Iran Nuclear Deal is good for the United States, and for Iran.