Jon Wolfsthal
November 20, 2014

Jon Wolfsthal
Jon Wolfsthal, currently Center for Nonproliferation Studies Deputy Director, has been appointed, starting December 1, 2014, as Senior Director for Arms Control and Nonproliferation at the National Security Council (NSC).
Mr. Wolfsthal joined CNS in April 2012 after having served for three years as special advisor to Vice President Joseph Biden. While at CNS, Jon helped oversee the expansion of our office in DC, CNS’ growth of CNS in a variety of areas including on-line education and its expanding role in new media, and helped manage the overall operations and fundraising for CNS.
“Jon will be a valuable asset for the NSC and brings a wealth of real world experience to an important position at a critical time,” said CNS Director William Potter. “Jon will be missed, and we wish him well in his new position.”
The NSC advises the president on national security and foreign policy matters. The Council serves as the primary forum from which these policies are coordinated and implemented among various government agencies. Mr. Wolfsthal will serve as President Obama’s principal advisor on arms control and nonproliferation issues and coordinate U.S. Governmental policies on these issues.
“I am grateful for my time with CNS and the Monterey Institute,” said Jon Wolfsthal. “CNS has a great team of dedicated and committed experts, and I will miss seeing and working with them on a daily basis.”