
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Diversification from Russian nuclear fuel requires market-oriented solutions

Western governments would do well to incentivize and assist market players protecting their conversion and enrichment supply chains until new capacity can be added.

Strategic Stability in Europe after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

This report provides an overview of strategic stability in Europe nearly two years after the onset of the further Russian invasion of Ukraine.

New Podcast ‘The Reason We’re All Still Here’ Explores Nuclear History launched a podcast “The Reason We’re All Still Here,” with Jeffrey Lewis discussing nuclear weapons history and the citizens who chose to build a safer world.

Cover of the Occasional Paper #58: Dangerous Decline: Russia’s Military and Security Influence in the Global South and the Implications for the United States

OP#58: Dangerous Decline: Russia’s Military and Security Influence in the Global South and the Implications for the United States

This study argues that Russia seeks to boost its military and security influence in the Global South in light of what it considers a protracted, systemic confrontation with Western states.

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)

Strategic Empathy: Examining Pattern Breaks to Better Understand Adversaries

Through case studies involving Russia, North Korea, and Iran the authors suggest that a more holistic, nuanced understanding of the adversary can inform effective policy responses.

CNS’ Experts Jean du Preez and Miles Pomper were hosted at the Center for Security, Strategy and Policy Research’s program “InFocus with Ejaz Haider” for a conversation on the future of arms control and nonproliferation in the wake of Russia’s de-ratification of the CTBT and other ongoing events.

InFocus with Ejaz Haider -Ep 23, Nov 8: The Unraveling of Arms Control and Nonproliferation

A conversation on the future of arms control and nonproliferation in the wake of Russia’s de-ratification of the CTBT and other ongoing events.

The New York Times

Putin Is Getting What He Wants

Russia stands to gain from a protracted conflict. Events in Gaza are distracting Western policymakers and publics from the war in Ukraine.

Generic News Logo Foreign Policy

Where Does Russia Stand on the Israel-Hamas War?

Moscow may temporarily profit from the West’s focus on the Middle East, but navigating its ties in the region will be tricky.

Logo of a torch with 3 flames and says Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

What Role Does Russia Have to Play in Hamas’s Invasion of Israel? Q&A with Expert Hanna Notte

Notte: It’s a big stretch to say Russia would endorse Hamas’s bloody assault and risk outright disruption in relations with Israel and with the Gulf states.

Foreign Affairs logo

The Age of Great-Power Distraction

Great-power distraction invites considerable long-term risk.