International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano

IAEA Director General Amano Keynotes CNS Anniversary

IAEA Director General delivered the keynote address at the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.

Could low-enriched uranium be used in naval reactors

Could low-enriched uranium be used in naval reactors? Don’t ask the Navy

Congress should commission qualified experts to conduct an impartial review, at classified & unclassified levels, of naval LEU use.

Is ISIL a Radioactive Threat

Is ISIL a Radioactive Threat?

How serious is the threat that Islamic State terrorists could acquire and use a radioactive “dirty” bomb?

Saudi Arabia Can Build a Bomb

Sorry, Fareed: Saudi Arabia Can Build a Bomb Any Damn Time It Wants To

Fareed Zakaria’s assertion that Saudi Arabia can’t build a nuke is simply wrong– and its not all that hard to demonstrate why.

An Oral History of the Nunn-Lugar Program

Kazakhstan hosts a three-day conference to discuss cooperative efforts to secure and eliminate WMDs.

The Great Iranian Low-Enriched Uranium Stockpile Panic

There is something broken about how reporters and pundits are covering the Iran negotiations.

Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP)

VCDNP Welcomes New Executive Director

The Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) is delighted to welcome Laura Rockwood as its new Executive Director.

How can we push for tighter security for nuclear weapons?

Despite progress toward improving security for civilian nuclear materials, there is little appetite to open a discussion on developing security guidelines for these dangerous materials and weapons in military programs.

Middle East map

OP#22: Planning Ahead: A Blueprint to a Middle East WMD Free Zone

Occasional Paper #22: A CNS report offers legal, technical, and organizational proposals to negotiations and implementation of a WMD-free Middle East.

MIIS and Chile’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sign MOU

The parties signed the Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation, particularly in nonproliferation and disarmament areas.