Nukes in (Cyber)space: The Hazards of Cross-Domain Deterrence

MARCH 2, 2016: Seminar with Erik Gartzke, associate professor of Political Science at the University of California at San Diego.

Should We Fear the Unconventional? Why ISIL’s Chemical Weapons Are Causing the West to Panic

A review of future considerations in global attitudes to weapons of mass destruction proliferation by non-state actors.

Iran Preparing for Possible Rocket Launch

Satellite analysis indicates an imminent test by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Kwangmyongsong missile

Are You Scared About North Korea’s Thermonuclear ICBM?

Jeffrey Lewis offers a self-dubbed “wildly unpopular plan” to counter Pyongyang’s missile program.

IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano

IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano Speaks at VCDNP

IAEA chief lauds VCDNP’s event on Amendment to the CPPNM for helping to address “the most important area of unfinished business in nuclear security.”

Nikolai Sokov (Credit: Isis Martins)

A Russian Perspective on Nuclear Disarmament and Post-Nuclear World

To many Russians, the future looks “dark and dangerous,” and not very susceptible to further reductions on Russian reliance on nuclear weapons.

Park Geun-Hye meeting with Barack Obama. (source: Wikimedia Commons)

OP#24: Strengthening the ROK-US Nuclear Partnership

Occasional Paper #24: This report identifies challenges and opportunities for the next phase of the ROK-US nuclear partnership.

Upcoming Event: Monterey, California

Bioweapons… for Dummies? Evaluating the Threat of Rogue Biohacking

FEBRUARY 25, 2016: Seminar with Zian Liu, fourth-year bioengineering undergraduate at UC Berkeley.

New Dual Degree in Nonproliferation Studies

Earn master’s degrees from both MIIS and MGIMO, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Upcoming Event: Monterey, California

What Edward Snowden Revealed

FEBRUARY 18, 2016: Seminar with Allison Stanger, founding director of the Rohatyn Center for International Affairs at Middlebury College.