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At a Russian Foreign Ministry celebration of Amb. Timerbaev's 90th birthday

In Remembrance of Ambassador Roland Timerbaev

It is with great sadness that I acknowledge the passing of a giant in the field of nonproliferation diplomacy.

Assistant Secretary Ford giving a lecture

Assistant Secretary Ford on Efforts Toward a Middle East WMD-Free Zone

The US representative calls for “practical steps and confidence-building measures.”

(L–R:) IONP Director Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, and CNS Director Bill Potter. Photo taken during DG Amano’s first university lecture after assuming his position as DG at the IAEA. April 16, 2010.

In Remembrance of Director General Yukiya Amano

It is with great sadness that I observe the passing of my friend, Yukiya Amano.

Upcoming Event Washington DC

DC Luncheon: Whither a Middle East WMD-Free Zone

A conversation with Assistant Secretary Christopher Ford.

US Department of State Headquarters

Taking the Pulse at the Inaugural Meeting of the CEND Initiative

A positive start for “Creating an Environment for Nuclear Disarmament”

H Diplo ISSF Logo in Blue on White

Reflecting on the Past, Present, and Future of Nuclear Weapons in International Politics

Accessible, policy-relevant scholarship can help inform both public and policymaker conversations.

Civilian HEU: South Africa

South African HEU policies, progress reducing and eliminating the civil use of HEU in South Africa, and remaining challenges.

Civilian HEU: Japan

Japanese HEU policies, progress reducing and eliminating the civil use of HEU in Japan, and remaining challenges.

Civilian HEU: Germany

German HEU policies, progress reducing and eliminating the civil use of HEU in Germany, and remaining challenges.