Search Results NPT

Ben Sanders

In Remembrance of Ben Sanders

Benjamin Sanders passed away at the age of 97 on March 31, 2024. He was perhaps the last of the original nonproliferation titans.

A wide view of the Security Council as Members unanimously adopt resolution 1977 (2011) on 20 April 2011, extending for 10 years the mandate of the 1540 Committee. UN Photo/Devra Berkovitz

CNS Expert Addresses UN Security Council Briefing on Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation

CNS expert reminds the council of their commitments to crucial treaties while noticing a more recent recommitment to nuclear weapons and an increase in the value attached to them among the council’s state parties.

Hanna Notte

Russia, the Global South, and Multilateral Nuclear Diplomacy After the Invasion of Ukraine

The seminar focuses on a recently concluded study on the impact of the Russo-Ukrainian war on the international nuclear negotiating forums and governance bodies (the IAEA, NPT review process and UN First Committee).

CNS in the Media: 2023

Experts’ Quotes & Guest Appearances View by year: Current | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 2023 Jump to: ↓ December ↓ November ↓ October ↓ September ↓ August ↓ July ↓ June ↓ May ↓ April ↓ March ↓ February ↓ January ↓ December December 18, 2023: “Satellite Photo Points to North Korea’s New Russian-Made Radar Plane” Decker Eveleth in […]

Seminar photo of Amir Hamzah Mohd Nasir and attendees

Senior Malaysian Diplomat Visits CNS

Mr. Amir Hamzah Mohd Nasir, Assistant Secretary of the Multilateral Security Division of the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited CNS during the week of November 13, 2023.

WINCA Network Inaugural Meeting Participants group photo

CNS Inaugurates a Professional Network to Support Women in Nuclear in Central Asia

CNS gathered experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan to inaugurate a new professional network for women.

38 North logo

Negative Security Assurance and Nuclear Diplomacy: Implications for the Complete Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

Delve into North Korea’s perspective on negative security assurance (NSA) through an exploration of Pyongyang’s diplomatic narratives and discover the implications for the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Young woman looking at a sign

Respect for Hibakusha, and Hope in Younger Generations

Voices of people who suffered the most under the mushroom cloud have often been marginalized.

Logo for the symposium, "Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security for Women in STEM in Latin America and the Caribbean"

CNS Brings Together Women in STEM from Latin America and the Caribbean to Discuss Nonproliferation, Nuclear Security, and DEI Initiatives

CNS invigorated discussion of gender equality, diversity, equity, and inclusion in the nonproliferation and nuclear security field in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Jayantha Dhanapala

In Remembrance of Jayantha Dhanapala (1938-2023)

Jayantha Dhanapala was an extraordinary global citizen, who will be sorely missed by all.