
“Dirty Bomb” Threat Awakens Dormant Disarmament Conference

Materials for dirty bombs can be found throughout the world, with most countries lacking controls & programs to prevent theft.

Fissile Material Trafficking in the Newly Independent States (NIS) 1991-2001

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, there have been frequent reports of illicit trafficking in fissile materials from the Newly Independent States (NIS).

Safety Concerns About Pakistan’s Strategic Forces, Fissile Material, and Nuclear Installations

Gaurav Kampani September 28, 2001 Safety Concerns About the Command and Control of Pakistan’s Strategic Forces, Fissile Material, and Nuclear Installations As the United States prepares to launch military operations in Afghanistan with support from Pakistan, questions about the safety of Islamabad’s nuclear explosives, fissile material stocks, and nuclear facilities have come to the fore. Pakistan’s military […]

2000 WMD Terrorism Chronology

Since 1998, the frequency of CBRN incidents has been on the rise.

The Way Forward for US-Russian Nonproliferation Cooperation

The US-Russian cooperative programs for nuclear nonproliferation have made unprecedented efforts to enhance the security of a significant amount of fissile material in Russia, but now face the challenge of maintaining long term success.

Nuclear Weapons, Fissile Material, and Export Controls in the Former Soviet Union

Jon Brook Wolfsthal Cristina Chuen Emily Ewell Daughtry June 18, 2001 Status Report On June 18, 2001 the sixth edition of the joint Monterey Institute-Carnegie Endowment Nuclear Status Report was released at the Carnegie Endowment’s Nonproliferation Conference in Washington, DC. This report is the most complete single source of information on Russia’s nuclear arsenal and stockpile, the […]

CNS article

OP#06: WMD Threats 2001: Critical Choices for the Bush Administration

Occasional Paper #6: Offering pragmatic guidance for the Bush administration on key nonproliferation issues regarding U.S. foreign relations, nuclear, biological and chemical terrorism, and organizing the U.S. government. It outlines measures to help defend the United States and construct a safer world.

South Africa’s Nuclear-Related Facilities

Facilities include: mining and milling, conversion, uranium enrichment, fuel fabrication, reactors and critical assemblies, waste disposal and weapons-dedicated facilities.

Nuclear Program Terminology

Michael Barletta Christina Ellington March 1999 AEB Atomic Energy Board AEC Atomic Energy Corporation ANC African National Congress Armscor Armaments Corporation AVLIS atomic vapor laser isotope separation CNC computer numerically controlled CNS Council for Nuclear Safety CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty DASCT Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology Eskom Electricity Supply Commission HEU highly […]

Flag of Russia

Mayak Fissile Material Storage Facility – The 1998 Moscow Summit

When completed this facility will store the fissile material from up to 12,500 dismantled nuclear warheads.