
Map of South Africa’s Primary Nuclear-Related Sites

Michael Barletta Christina Ellington March 1999 Map of Primary Nuclear-related Sites in South Africa Koeberg Eskom site housing Koeberg-1 and -2, two 920MWe nuclear power reactors. Pelindaba AEC site housing Safari-1 research reactor, a hot cell complex, a waste disposal site, and conversion and fuel fabrication facilities. Pelindaba East (Valindaba) Site of AEC pilot-scale uranium […]

Nuclear Program Terminology

Michael Barletta Christina Ellington March 1999 AEB Atomic Energy Board AEC Atomic Energy Corporation ANC African National Congress Armscor Armaments Corporation AVLIS atomic vapor laser isotope separation CNC computer numerically controlled CNS Council for Nuclear Safety CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty DASCT Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology Eskom Electricity Supply Commission HEU highly […]

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Russian-Iranian Nuclear Cooperation – The 1998 Moscow Summit

Excerpt from the NIS Nuclear Profiles Database provides an overview of Russian-Iranian nuclear cooperation.

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Mayak Fissile Material Storage Facility – The 1998 Moscow Summit

When completed this facility will store the fissile material from up to 12,500 dismantled nuclear warheads.

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Start II Ratification: A Chronology – The 1998 Moscow Summit

CNS has also compiled a chronology of the START II ratification process, based on excerpts from the NIS Nuclear Profiles Database.

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Current Prospects For START II Ratification and START III Talks – The 1998 Moscow Summit

Nikolai Sokov analyzes the current status of the START process in his research brief.

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The 1998 Moscow Summit

CNS has assembled background material on issues drawing from its databases and ongoing research.

A US NGO Perspective on US – Russian MPC&A Cooperation

While MPC&A has been successful problems still remain and efforts are needed to enhance international efforts.

800 Russian Gyroscopes to Iraq: Conclusions

The question qui prodest? – who profits? drove the Center for Policy Studies in Russia to investigate “The Gyroscope Deal” between Russia and Iraq.

Are Suitcase Nukes on the Loose? The Story Behind the Controversy

Former Russian Security Council Secretary Aleksandr Lebed has stirred controversy with allegations that the Russian government is unable to account for some eighty small atomic demolition munitions (ADMs).