
Kwangmyongsong missile

Are You Scared About North Korea’s Thermonuclear ICBM?

Jeffrey Lewis offers a self-dubbed “wildly unpopular plan” to counter Pyongyang’s missile program.

Nikolai Sokov (Credit: Isis Martins)

A Russian Perspective on Nuclear Disarmament and Post-Nuclear World

To many Russians, the future looks “dark and dangerous,” and not very susceptible to further reductions on Russian reliance on nuclear weapons.

Park Geun-Hye meeting with Barack Obama. (source: Wikimedia Commons)

OP#24: Strengthening the ROK-US Nuclear Partnership

Occasional Paper #24: This report identifies challenges and opportunities for the next phase of the ROK-US nuclear partnership.

New Dual Degree in Nonproliferation Studies

Earn master’s degrees from both MIIS and MGIMO, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Why Obama’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Commitments Fell Short

Obama’s presidency has served as an object lesson in the limits of a US president’s ability to shape a global nuclear order amid competing factors, abroad and domestic.

Google Earth image

North Korea Announces Rocket Launch February 8-25

North Korea’s peaceful space launch activities do double duty for its military program.

Nuclear test at Yucca Flats, Nevada. Source: National Atomic Veterans of America (

Xenon and Particulates: A Qualitative Discussion of Sensitivity to Nuclear Weapon Components and Design

Scientist-in-residence Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress looks at how radionuclide measurements can help determine information about North Korea’s January 7 nuclear test.

US and Iran Flags (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Iran Deal Provides Greater Opportunity for Regional Stability

In an unstable Middle East neighborhood, most people hope for the best and plan for the worst.

IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano

A Turning Point in the Iran File: Implementation Day

With new IAEA report, the Iran Deal’s “Implementation Day” is now underway.


Video Analysis of North Korean Missile Test

The media show interest as CNS experts analysis of North Korea’s missile test video was found to be manipulated and the test itself a failure.