
Syria’s WMD Program in a Regional Context

Seminar with Ibrahim Al-Marashi, from California State University, San Marcos.

Chemical Weapons: Syria Military

Minimizing Dangers Posed by Syria’s Military Assets

Testimony of Leonard S. Spector before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, Committee on Foreign Affairs, US House of Representatives, July 19, 2012.

OPCW Director General Visits Monterey

Director-General emphasizes the benefits of cooperation in the field of education and training with CNS.

Chemical Weapon Munitions Dumped at Sea: An Interactive Map

CNS has located 127 CW disposal and human exposure sites. CNS created a Google Earth map and presentation in hopes of garnering further interest.

CNS article

OP#13: Trafficking Networks for Chemical Weapons Precursors: Lessons from the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s

Occasional Paper #13: New information on the illicit sale of chemical-weapons materials to Iran and Iraq during the 1980s sheds light on how international trafficking networks operate and suggests some practical steps for countering them.

Federal Funding to Combat Terrorism, Including Defense against Weapons of Mass Destruction

August 17, 2008 FY 1998-2001 Jump to chart: Govt-wide | USDA | DOC | DOE | EPA | FEMA | GSA | HHS | Interior | DOJ | FBI | Nat’l Security Community | NRC | DOS | Transportation | Treasury | USAID Items in italics represent total funding for combating terrorism. All other items […]

Iraq Chemical Weapons

The extent of Iraq’s attempts at producing the nerve agent, VX, is the next priority.

Iraq Concealment

Multiple investigations have discovered that Iraq had a centrally controlled mechanism tasked with concealing material and activity proscribed by Security Council resolutions.

Iraq Documents

UNSCOM seeks document from Iraqi side in order to have a full understanding of the way those weapons were conceived, produced and in some cases destroyed.

Security Council Introduction by Ambassador Butler

Following the first Gulf War the United Nations Special Commission was created to supervise the destruction of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and missile capabilities.