MARCH 14-15, 2014: CNS hosted a 2-day diplomatic workshop in Annecy, France.
CNS experts report the nature and scope of nuclear security risks prepared with support from the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
If Russia were faced with a large-scale conventional attack that exceeded its capacity for defense, it might respond with a limited nuclear strike.
Occasional Paper #19: Sustainably preventing terrorism means finding substitutes for high-risk radiological sources, such as cesium chloride in blood irradiators.
The Ukrainian crisis would have been a nuclear crisis, if not for past US-Russian cooperation.
Some allege Russia is violating the INF Treaty. Other explanations deserve consideration, according to Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov.
The US and Russia don’t have to use weapons-uranium for civil purposes. CNS Senior Researcher Miles Pomper explains how.
CNS launches “Global Trade and Weapons of Mass Destruction,” a test version of its first on-line class.
Conventional wisdom in Washington DC suggests the US is the only nuclear weapon state not modernizing its nuclear forces, but it is dead wrong.