
Iran Space Launch Vehicle

Iran’s Space Launch: ICBM or Space Program Development?

CNS researchers use satellite imagery to determine if these space launch vehicles are the ICBMs you are looking for.

Identifying DPRK Machine Plants

We geolocated six important sites linked to the North Korean missile program.

OP #44: Eyes on U: Opportunities, Challenges, and Limits of Remote Sensing for Monitoring Uranium Mining and Milling

Geospatial tech sheds light on secretive first step of nuclear fuel cycle.

The National Interest logo

Jeffrey Lewis: My Thoughts on Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s Speech

Will Pyongyang succeed in widening the divide between Seoul and Washington?

NK News

Who’s Deceiving Whom? Open Source North Korea Under the Microscope

NYT coverage of think-tank report risks credibility of open-source research on North Korea.

Le Hague nuclear reprocessing plant. (Credit: United States Department of Energy.)

OP #42: The Other Fissile Material: Strengthening National and International Plutonium Management Approaches

Recommendations to avoid risks posed by existing and potential reprocessing programs.

Stephan de Spiegeleire

New Tools to Better Monitor Eurasian Nonproliferation-Related Developments

Video: Seminar with Stephan De Spiegeleire

Martin Pfeiffer

Atomic Advertising as History and Imaginary

VIDEO: Martin Pfeiffer discusses nuclear semiotics: how we create meaning about, around, and through nuclear weapons

Could low-enriched uranium be used in naval reactors

Reducing Risks from Naval Nuclear Fuel

Laura Rockwood and George Moore offer insights into the nuclear security and proliferation challenges of nuclear-powered submarines.

OP#40: Monitoring Uranium Mining and Milling in China and North Korea through Remote Sensing Imagery

OP#40: Monitoring Uranium Mining and Milling in China and North Korea through Remote Sensing Imagery

Monitoring uranium mines and mills from space can provide insight into possible nuclear-weapons proliferation.