
North Korea Conducts Nuclear Test

Details about the test and the response from the international community.

OP#15: Engaging China and Russia on Nuclear Disarmament

Occasional Paper #15: Analysis and recommendations on how to place Beijing and Moscow on “the road to zero.”

CNS article

OP#14: Nuclear Challenges and Policy Options for the Next US Administration

Occasional Paper #14: Papers by participants of the Monterey Nonproliferation Strategy Group meeting on August 20-21, 2008.

CNS Conducts Seminar on Radiological Source Security in Georgia

Government representatives address problems of securing radiological sources and radioactive waste management in Georgia.

Central Asia Becomes A Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone

The treaty was signed approximately eight years after the presidents of Central Asia first issued their joint declaration calling for the zone.

Central Asia Becomes A Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone

Ratification represents a nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation milestone.

CNS article

OP#13: Trafficking Networks for Chemical Weapons Precursors: Lessons from the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s

Occasional Paper #13: New information on the illicit sale of chemical-weapons materials to Iran and Iraq during the 1980s sheds light on how international trafficking networks operate and suggests some practical steps for countering them.

Understanding the Role of the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy

Study examines role played by the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy (Minatom) in US-Russian agreements for nonproliferation, arms control, and cooperative threat reduction.

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan(IMU), also known as Islamic Party of Turkestan, seeks to establish Islamic governments in Central Asia.


August 17, 2008 Name: Al-Qaida, Al-Qa’idah, al Qaeda, or “the Base” Type: religious (fundamentalist) Ideology: Militant Islamist. The group seeks to overthrow Western-influenced governments and to replace them with Islamic regimes under the rule of Shariah, or Islamic law. Al-Qaida, under the leadership of Usama bin Laden, has declared holy war on the United States […]