
Radiation Cancer Treatment, Wikimedia Commons

US and Russia Can End Use of Weapons-Usable Uranium for Medical Uses

The US and Russia don’t have to use weapons-uranium for civil purposes. CNS Senior Researcher Miles Pomper explains how.

The Pentagon, source:

The Myth of American Nuclear Obsolescence

Conventional wisdom in Washington DC suggests the US is the only nuclear weapon state not modernizing its nuclear forces, but it is dead wrong.

North Korea Nuclear / Radiological

Dirty Bombs: Not Just for Terrorists

A look at North Korea’s possible state use of dirty bombs.

Kurchatov, Wikimedia Commons

Bomb in Your Backyard: Securing Plutonium on the Kazakh Steppe

Efforts by Kazakhstan, the US, and Russia secured plutonium at the Semipalatinsk test site & kept it from falling into the hands of terrorists.

Sochi Olympics, Wikimedia Commons

Radiological Terrorism: A Sochi Surprise?

It is possible that terrorists in the North Caucasus have the ability to construct and detonate a ‘dirty bomb’ at the Sochi Olympics?

Bryan Lee, Director of the Eurasian Nonproliferation Program on Russian Issues

Interview on Russian Issues with CNS Expert

Video interview on terrorism at the Sochi Olympics, Russia’s role in the removal of chemical weapons from Syria, and more.

iran nuclear agreement

The Iran Nuclear Agreement

Seminar on the Iran Nuclear Joint Plan of Action featuring CNS experts.

The Interim Nuclear Deal with Iran

Reactions to the Joint Action Plan Implementation Agreement Summary by the White House.

Assessing the Iranian Nuclear Deal

The Iran Nuclear Deal is good for the United States, and for Iran.

The US Trillion Dollar Nuclear Triad

JANUARY 7, 2014: Report shows costs will be three times the current annual expenditure and result in reduced nuclear capabilities.