Middle East

Terrorist Attacks on America: Questions and Answers from CNS Specialists

Do the World Trade Center and Pentagon bombings represent a major US intelligence failure? Reply prepared by Dr. Phillip Saunders, Director, East Asia Nonproliferation Program By definition these attacks represent an intelligence failure, because the intelligence and law enforcement communities did not provide advance warning that they were coming. That said, it is extremely difficult […]

Safety Concerns About Pakistan’s Strategic Forces, Fissile Material, and Nuclear Installations

Gaurav Kampani September 28, 2001 Safety Concerns About the Command and Control of Pakistan’s Strategic Forces, Fissile Material, and Nuclear Installations As the United States prepares to launch military operations in Afghanistan with support from Pakistan, questions about the safety of Islamabad’s nuclear explosives, fissile material stocks, and nuclear facilities have come to the fore. Pakistan’s military […]

Egypt and the Middle East Resolution at the NPT 2000 Review Conference

Many states think not enough attention is given to the Resolution on the Middle East, the focus for some Arab states in the upcoming Review Conference.

Russian Reaction, Day Two: Recalling the Ambassador

Russia’s concerns about the perceived trend toward the unrestricted use of force by the United States.

Russian Reaction: What’s Behind the Opposition?

Russian remains firm on its position that the use of force in international relations requires the explicit endorsement of the Security Council, except in cases of self defense.

International Reactions to US Strikes on Iraq

US air strikes on Iraq are met with mixed views from the international community.

The Mystery of the Sunken Gyros

Many of the best-kept secrets of Saddam Hussein’s weapons programs involve Baghdad’s clandestine foreign procurement efforts since the Gulf War.

UNSCOM: United Nations Special Commission

Laboratory analyses seek to establish what substances filled special missile warheads remnants excavated in Iraq.

Iraq Sought Russian Arms Technology

In an effort to rearm after the 1991 Persian Golf War Iraq looked to Russia for military technology and know-how about weapons of mass destruction.

Report of the Executive Chairman on the Activities of the Special Commission

Executive Chairman publishes Special Commission’s findings on Iraq’s WMD and missile capabilities.