Event Reports

CNS Sends Representatives to the 2012 NPT PrepCom; Experts Available for Comment

CNS experts and students will attend the first session of the PrepCom for the 2015 RevCon as observers.

Beijing Immersive Module for Nonproliferation Graduate Students

Chinese-speaking MIIS graduate students visited Beijing for meetings on nonproliferation and security.

OPCW Director General Visits Monterey

Director-General emphasizes the benefits of cooperation in the field of education and training with CNS.

3D Model of Syria’s Hakasa Spinning Company

Numerous experts analyze satellite images of a complex in northwest Syria after IAEA inspectors raise concern.

M building of the Vienna International Center, location of the NPT PrepCom.

Fuel Banks and Fukushima: Day Seven of the NPT PrepCom 2012

Featured discussions on implementation of the provisions of the Treaty pertaining to the inalienable right of Parties to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Fuel Banks and Fukushima: Day Seven of the NPT PrepCom 2012

Summary of discussions on the right of parties to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

CNS Alumni Photos: 2003

Congrats to 2007 Nonproliferation Certificate Graduates

Reducing & Regulating Nonstrategic (Tactical) Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Moving Forward?

MAY 10, 2010: A panel discussion held between sessions of the RevCon.

2010 NPT Briefing Book

The most comprehensive source of background and reference material on the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and its associated regime.

7th US-China Conference on Arms Control, Disarmament and Nonproliferation

DECEMBER 16-17, 2009: CNS co-hosts US-China meeting: Enhancing Strategic Stability and Cooperation between Beijing and Washington.