Event Reports

Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Weapons States on the NPT

Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Weapons States on the NPT

Video of a seminar with Ambassador Alfredo Labbé Villa and Ambassador Susan Burk on November 14, 2013.

The US Trillion Dollar Nuclear Triad

JANUARY 7, 2014: Report shows costs will be three times the current annual expenditure and result in reduced nuclear capabilities.

Escalation Control with Michael Krepon

Strategic Stability in South Asia

Guest lecture with guest speaker Michael Krepon, co-founder of the Stimson Center.

International High School Conference on a World Free of Nuclear Weapons

APR. 19: The Critical Issues Forum concluded with students from three countries presenting their findings on nuclear disarmament.

Full Steam Ahead: Day 8 of the NPT PrepCom

Statements on Cluster 3 issues continued, the plenary session was quiet as regional groups met with Chair in closed meetings discussing the Chair’s summary.

Soldiering On: Day 7 of the NPT PrepCom

The Conference continued at its usual pace with no real surprises, suggesting Egypt’s walkout may not have as great an effect as its delegation may have hoped.

The Walkout: Day 6 of the NPT PrepCom

Egypt announced that its delegation was withdrawing from the remainder of the PrepCom due to the perceived lack of seriousness in establishing a WMD-Free Zone in the Middle East.

Negative Security Assurances and Nonproliferation: Day 5 of the NPT PrepCom

Friday, April 26, 2013, featured the conclusion of Cluster 1 debates on negative security assurances and the commencement of Cluster 2, nonproliferation issues.

How Many Steps in a Step-by-Step Approach? Day 4 of the NPT PrepCom

The fourth day consisted of statements on general disarmament matters and on the specific issue of security assurances.

NGOs on Nukes: Day 3 of the NPT PrepCom

The morning session was set aside for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to address the PrepCom, while the afternoon saw the continuation of general debate and the beginnings of discussions on Cluster 1 issues.