Event Reports

42nd Parliament, House of Commons Chamber in session

CNS Expert Melissa Hanham Testifies in Canadian Parliament on DPRK Sanctions

NOVEMBER 30, 2016: Sanctions are not a panacea, Hanham asserts, but they have slowed Pyongyang’s development of WMD.

Nuclear Security Summit 2016fi

Summits Made Some Headway on Security

DECEMBER 1, 2016: Nuclear Security Summits are improving the security of vulnerable nuclear material.

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and CNS Director William Potter

High-level Russian Official Leads Discussion on Bilateral Relations

NOVEMBER 12, 2016: Ambassador Sergey Kislyak shared ideas on areas for progress in deteriorated US-Russia relations.

MENACS delegation at the BWC RevCon

Launch of New Biological Weapons Convention Website

NOVEMBER 7-25, 2016: A CNS project’s new website aims to enhance knowledge and awareness of the biological weapons regime.

Upcoming Event: Monterey, California

Using Network Analysis to Understand Russian Oil and Gas Policy

NOVEMBER 10, 2016: Seminar with speaker Adam N. Stulberg of the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs.

US Navy in Full Chemical Protective Gear

Keeping the Biological Weapons Convention Relevant

NOVEMBER 1, 2016: Officials have the opportunity to revise the way in which discussions are planned and held to better protect against biological weapons.

Upcoming Event: Monterey, California

From Silence to ‘Showmanship’

NOVEMBER 8, 2016: Seminar with speaker Daniel Salisbury, Postdoctoral Fellow at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.

Upcoming Event: Monterey, California

Doomed to Cooperate

NOVEMBER 3, 2016: Seminar with speaker Siegfried S. Hecker, research professor and senior fellow at Stanford University.

Upcoming Event: Monterey, California

The DPRK Nuclear Scene: A View from Moscow

NOVEMBER 1: 2016: Seminar with speaker Anton Khlopkov, founding director of the Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS).

Upcoming Monterey CA

Contemporary US-Russian Nuclear Risks and Means for Risk Reduction

OCTOBER 19: 2016: Seminar with speakers Major General Pavel Zolotarev (ret.) and The Honorable Andrew C. Weber.