
ICONS 2020

ICONS 2020

A large and visible cohort of CNS experts and alumni demonstrate the efficacy of civil society in the nuclear security field.

GIRS and CNS Students Attend Red Horizon Exercise at Harvard University

GIRS and CNS Students Attend Red Horizon Exercise at Harvard University

70+ participants: foreign ministry officials, US military & government, and Harvard affiliates.

Inside HIgher Ed logo

The Bomb in College Classrooms

“We’re not teaching students enough about weapons of mass destruction—and it shows,” warns CNS expert Sarah Bidgood.

Students from Japan US and Russia in Nagasaki Japan

Learning from Hiroshima and Nagasaki

To reach peace and security, we need to overcome maintaining the status quo.

Summer Fellows Group Photo

Next-Gen Nonproliferation Experts Shine at CNS Major Supporters’ Event

17 summer undergraduate nonproliferation fellows give their research presentations.

CRDF Global Fellow Develops Arabic Nuclear Security Course

Online training in more languages widens the pool of learners.

CNS Continues to Enhance Nonproliferation Education through Undergraduate Internship Program

CNS selected 17 outstanding undergraduate students from around the country out of approximately 130 applicants.

CNS Locations: Monterey, CA

GRA Positions, Summer 2019

GRA positions are for current MIIS students only.

International Nuclear Safeguards Policy and Information Analysis Course Held in Monterey

MIIS students interested in next year’s tuition-free program? Contact MIIS Scientist-in-Residence Dr. George Moore.

Group photo of students and instructors

High School Students from Japan, Russia, and the US Tackle Nuclear Dangers

This year, local students of Monterey County joined the CIF forum on nuclear risk reduction and crisis prevention.