
US and Iran Flags (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Iran Deal Provides Greater Opportunity for Regional Stability

In an unstable Middle East neighborhood, most people hope for the best and plan for the worst.

IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano

A Turning Point in the Iran File: Implementation Day

With new IAEA report, the Iran Deal’s “Implementation Day” is now underway.

Negotiations about Iranian Nuclear Program - the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Other Officials of the P5+1 and Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Iran and EU in Lausanne (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Making Sense of the Military Dimensions of the Iranian Nuclear Program

Experts from CNS and VCDNP are available for analysis and comment.

Next Generation of Middle East Experts in Prague

The one-of-a-kind network of arms control experts reviews past projects and looks forward to the future.

Assessing the Iran Nuclear Deal with Sam Farr

Assessing the Iran Nuclear Deal: A Conversation with Congressman Sam Farr

CNS and MIIS hosted a conversation with Congressman Sam Farr on the Iran nuclear deal on Monday, August 31.

Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Israel can live with the Iranian nuclear deal, can Netanyahu?

Israel can live with — and even benefit from– the Iranian nuclear deal. Can Netanyahu?

Understanding the Fuel Cycle in the Iran Agreement

CNS’s scientist-in-residence discusses the ways the Iran deal closes all possible routes to the bomb.

US and Iran Flags (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Iran Deal: Resources and Analysis

Articles, multimedia, and list of experts available for comment on the Iran deal and its implications.

Heading Off an Even Bigger Problem in Iran

Heading Off an Even Bigger Problem in Iran

The deal may not be ideal, but when viewed in historical and hypothetical context, it is incredibly strong.

Iran Deal Buys Time: John Kerry and Wendy Sherman

Iran Deal Buys Time: Now America’s Real Work Begins

The Iran deal is merely a first step toward a long-term process of managing the nuclear risks it poses.