
Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived]

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High-Energy Density Collaboration

Ekaterinburg/Moscow and Snezhinsk | Albuquerque and Sarov | Livermore/Pleasanton

Courtesy William Bookless, LLNL. Photos of the fourth nuclear weapons surety workshop hosted by LLNL in Pleasanton, CA on 21 – 26 March, 1994.

Read the Background and Documents.

Group photo taken inside.

Man standing in front of a screen with a chart

Boris Litvinov’s presentation

Man standing in front of a screen with a chart

Boris Litvinov’s presentation

Lecturer at the podium

Men in the audience looking at their notes

Men talking to each other

Three men standing outside

Four men standing outside

Three men and a woman standing for the camera


Group of people standing


People talking

Two men shaking hands for the camera

Two men shaking hands

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