Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived]
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High-Energy Density Collaboration
Ekaterinburg/Moscow and Snezhinsk | Albuquerque and Sarov | Livermore/Pleasanton
The photos in this gallery relate to the Ekaterinburg /Moscow meetings of July 1993 and the First Surety Technology Symposium in Snezhinsk on 4-9 October, 1993.
From the account of Paul White and David Nokes (Doomed to Cooperate, Vol.1, Chapter 3):
The first meeting was held at the Institute of Metals Physics in Ekaterinburg with a large contingent of VNIITF scientists led by V. Z. Nechai and Avrorin. VNIIEF was represented by V. M. Voronov, and Production Association Mayak (PA Mayak) was represented by G. S. Starodubtsev. Three days of discussion (July 6–8, 1993) were infused with a spirit of mutual respect, cooperation, and collegiality among experts with common technical backgrounds and shared technical responsibilities. Indeed, on the first day, as the US delegation rounded the top of the stairs leading to the meeting hall, it was warmly greeted with a cry of, “Коллеги!” (Colleagues!) The Ekaterinburg meetings were followed by similarly cooperative ones in Moscow, with more than a dozen representatives of VNIIEF and an observer from VNIITF. The VNIIEF delegation was led by Minister of Atomic Energy Viktor Mikhailov and Rady Ilkaev. Georgi Tsyrkov of Minatom opened the proceedings, which were held at Minatom’s International Annex.
The first Surety Technology Symposium was held in early October in Snezhinsk, Russia, and hosted by RFNC-VNIITF (Chelyabinsk-70).
Read the Background and Documents.

U.S. scientists from LANL, LLNL and SNL stand on the tarmac at Domodedovo Aiport in Moscow awaiting their Ilyushin-86 flight to Ekaterinburg. July 1993

U.S. Scientists (D. Croessmann, SNL; W. Bookless, LLNL; Interpreter, VNIITF; P. Newman, SNL; P. White, LANL; D. Olson, DOE) stand outside the Institute of Metals Physics, of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in Ekaterinburg. July 1993

Group of Russian participants in the Moscow meetings, held in the International Annex of the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy.

U.S. participants in the Moscow meetings with scientists from VNIIEF.

Copies of the Memorandum are exchanged for signature. Moscow, July 1993

Meeting in Rosatom. Memorandum between three US labs and VNIIEF on the scope and topics of lab-to-lab activities has been signed. 14 July 1993.

First Surety Technology Symposium held in Snezhinsk in October 1993. Formal conference photograph taken on the steps of the Children’s Musical School. All symposium sessions where held in the Great Assembly Hall of this building.

Symposium participants pose inside the VNIITF Weapons Museum.

Snezhinsk symposium principals review draft Memorandum of the Meeting. E. Avrorin, VNIITF; D. Nokes, SNL; P. White, LANL; W. Bookless, LLNL.

Symposium principals review draft Memorandum of the Meeting. I. Shubina, VNIITF Interpreter; E. Avrorin, VNIITF; D. Nokes, SNL; S. Babin, VNIITF; P. White, LANL; W. Bookless, LLNL

Snezhinsk symposium participants relax on the banks of Lake Silach after the end of formal discussions. S. Spray, SNL; G. Gryaznova, VNIITF; S. Babin, VNIITF; Unknown, VNIITF; S. Jeffers, SNL; I. Shubina, VNIITF; R. Smith, SNL.
In the days following the Symposium in Sarov, U.S. scientists were invited to visit VNIIA (Institute of Automatics) in Moscow. During discussions it was agreed that VNIIA should participate in future technical exchanges among the U.S. and Russian weapons laboratories. A memorandum to this effect was signed by DOE and Minatom representatives. Seated: D. McConagha, DOE; G. Tsyrkov, Minatom. Standing: D. Nokes, SNL, Y. Barmakov, VNIIA; G. Smirnov, VNIIA.