Russia-US Relations: Brinkmanship and Hostilities Continue

Article about up-to-date affairs between Russia and the US with consideration given to proxy players in between.

CNS senior experts teach nonproliferation to future Chilean diplomats

The week-long course in Santiago is part of a strong and growing relationship between the Chilean Foreign Ministry and CNS.

Upcoming Event Washington DC

New Course for USG Practitioners

Course will cover urgent current issues such as Iran, North Korea, and the Nuclear Security Summit.

Brad Roberts US Nuclear Weapons

The Case for US Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century

Seminar with Dr. Brad Roberts, Director of the Center for Global Security Research at LLNL on the future of nuclear weapons in international politics.

Donald Trump Is an Idiot Savant on Nuclear Policy

The Republican frontrunner has stumbled across the US military’s biggest secret: it has no idea what it’s doing with its nuclear arsenal.

The Nuclear Security Summit Will Leave Unfinished Work

The uneven and limited nature of the summit process means that the nuclear security regime will be a patchwork of initiatives, with far too many holes.

Conference of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention 2007

A Strategy for the Chemical Weapons Convention

In the absence of further innovation and action, the Chemical Weapons Convention may ‘become a hammer without a nail.’

Radiological Cancer Therepy (Source: WikiMedia Commons)

Treatment, Not Terror

A new study by Miles A. Pomper, Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress, and George M. Moore, explores how to both promote cancer therapy in developing countries and prevent radiological terrorism.

Upcoming Monterey CA

North Korea’s WMD Programs: An Open Source View

MARCH 10, 2016: Seminar with Melissa Hanham and Catherine Dill, research associates of CNS.

NPR Doreen and Jim McElvany Nonproliferation Challenge

2016 McElvany Challenge: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Proliferation?

Enter and help us find innovative ways to resolve today’s most urgent challenges relating to chemical, biological, nuclear, and radiological weapons.