Experts’ Quotes & Guest Appearances
View by year: Current | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021
December 31, 2021: “Best of 2021: Emerging Experts on Nuclear Risks and Climate Change” Noah Mayhew mentioned in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
December 23, 2021: “CNN Exclusive: US Intel and Satellite Images Show Saudi Arabia Is Now Building Its Own Ballistic Missiles with Help of China” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in CNN
December 19, 2021: “Moscow’s Security Proposals May Kickstart Dialogue with NATP, but Will Require Flexibility” Noah Mayhew quoted in Sputnik International
December 16, 2021: “One Minute to Midnight: The Time for Action for the Nuclear Dialogue Is Now” Angela Kane in European Leadership Network
December 14, 2021: “Will More States Acquire Nuclear Weapons?” William Potter and Jessica Varnum quoted in Foreign Affairs
December 14, 2021: “The ACRS Oral History Project: An Exploration into the Arms Control and Regional Security Working Group” Hanna Notte and Chen Kane in Wilson Center
December 12, 2021: “Satellite Images, Expert Suggest Iranian Space Launch Coming” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The Times of Israel
November 23, 2021: “China’s Recent Hypersonic Weapon Test Was Weirder Than First Reported” Joshua Pollack quoted in Popular Mechanics
Updated November 14, 2021 (Published July 24): “Alarming Developments in China’s Nuclear Capabilities” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Nspirement
November 6, 2021: “About the Future of the Middle East WMDFZ with Dr. Hanna Notte” Hanna Notte for PIR Center
November 4, 2021: “North Korea Can Make More Uranium for Nuclear Bombs Than Previously Thought” CNS in The Wall Street Journal
Updated November 3, 2021 (Published July 26): “A 2nd New Nuclear Missile Base for China, and Many Questions About Strategy” CNS in The New York Times
November 3, 2021: “Nuclear Arms Hawks Give Bureaucratic Mauling to Biden Vow to Curb Arsenal” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The Guardian
November 3, 2021: “Is the South Korea Nuclear Umbrella Worth the Risk to America?” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The National interest
November 1, 2021: “Pentagon Rattled by Chinese Military Push on Multiple Fronts” CNS in CP24
October 27, 2021: “What’s the Big Deal About Hypersonic Weapons and Why Are Major Powers Vying for This Capability?” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in ABC News Australia
October 27, 2021: “Russia Against Deploying Intermediate-Range Missiles in Anywhere in World — Ambassador” CNS in Tass – Russian News Agency
October 21, 2021: “N Korea Tests New Sub Missile” David Schmerler quoted in Taipei Times
October 21, 2021: “China’s Hypersonic Missile Tests Leave US Officials ‘Stunned’: Report” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Newsweek
October 20, 2021: “China Allegedly Tested a Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Weapon. Now What?” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Time
October 20, 2021: “N. Korea Confirms Submarine Launch of New Ballistic Missile” David Schmerler quoted in The Jerusalem Post
October 20, 2021: “North Korea Confirms Tested ‘New Type’ of Ballistic Missile” David Schmerler quoted in Iran Front Page News
October 20, 2021: “Kim Jong Un Uji Coba Rudal Balistik, PBB-as-inggris ‘Panas!’” David Schmerler quoted in CNBC Indonesia
October 19, 2021: “China’s Reported Hypersonic Weapon Test Raises Security Concerns” CNS in Huffington Post
October 18, 2021: “Chinese Hypersonic Missile Test: UK Closely Monitoring Says Downing Street” Nikolai Sokov in GBNews
October 17, 2021: “Il missile ipersonico cinese coglie di sorpresa l’America” Miles Pomper quoted in Foreign Policy Research institute
October 15, 2021: “Baltic Perspectives on US and Transatlantic Nuclear Negotiations with Russia” Miles Pomper quoted in Foreign Policy Research institute
October 15, 2021: “North Korea Threatens to Upstage South Korea Defence Expo with Duelling Military Show” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in EU Reporter
October 13, 2021: “Meet the New Players influencing Arms Control Negotiations” CNS in The National interest
October 8, 2021: “Benjamin Hautecouverture : « La future fourniture de sous-marins américains à propulsion nucléaire à l’Australie provoque l’anxiété de Pékin »” CNS in Le Monde
September 29, 2021: “‘Global Strike from Space;’ Did Kendall Reveal Chinese Threat?” Jeffrey Lewis in Breaking Defense
September 29, 2021: “North Korea Claims First Launch of Hypersonic Missile” Jeffrey Lewis in The Washington Post September 23, 2021: “Private Eyes in the Sky” CNS in Foreign Affairs
September 22, 2021: “Nuclear Subs in Australia Will Challenge the Nonproliferation Regime, and China” George Moore in The Hill
September 22, 2021: “RI ‘Terkepung’, Deretan Negara-negara Dekat yang Punya Nuklir” CNS in CNBC Indonesia
September 21, 2021: “AUKUS May Trigger Nuclear Arms Race in Indo-Pacific, France to Stay in Nato” Nikolai Sokov in UrduPoint News/Sputnik
September 17, 2021: “The Australian Submarine Agreement: Turning Nuclear Cooperation Upside Down” Ian Stewart in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
September 15, 2021: “N. Korea’s Cruise Missile Test Aimed to Draw US attention, Resumption of Talks Unlikely” Nikolai Sokov and Joshua Pollack in UrduPoint News/Sputnik
September 16, 2021: “Why North Korea Launched Its Latest Missiles from a Train” Joshua Pollack in VOA
September 16, 2021: “Yongbyon Enrichment Plant” Jeffrey Lewis in Arms Control Wonk
September 13, 2021: “North Korea Tests Cruise Missile with Possible Nuclear Capability” Jeffrey Lewis in The Jerusalem Post
September 13, 2021: “N.Korea Tests First ‘Strategic’ Cruise Missile with Possible Nuclear Capability” Jeffrey Lewis in Reuters
September 9, 2021: “Examining A ‘Righteous’ Strike” Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in The Washington Post
September 9, 2021: “Preliminary Estimate of the Size of the Explosion in the August 29 Kabul Incident” Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in The Washington Post
September 8, 2021: “Analysis: S. Korea Blazes New Path with ‘Most Potent’ Conventional Missile Submarine” Joshua Pollack quoted in Reuters
September 7, 2021: “The Power of Open-Source Intelligence” Jeffrey Lewis with Middlebury institute of international Studies
September 7, 2021: “Russia Analytical Report, Aug. 30-Sept. 7, 2021” Sarah Bidgood and William Potter in Russia Matters
September 2021: “New Chinese Missile Silo Fields Discovered” CNS in Arms Control association
August 31, 2021: “Satellite Photo Suggests North Korea Back at Work on Nuclear Arsenal” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in NBC News
August 30, 2021: “China’s Nuclear Build-Up Could Make for a More Dangerous Future” Miles Pomper quoted in World Politics Review
August 30, 2021: “Kim Jong-Un ‘Given Blank Cheque to Rebuild North Korea Nuclear Programme by Inept Biden’” Joshua Pollack quoted in Express UK
August 30, 2021: “The Taliban’S 3-Step Path to (Possible) Recognition” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Politico
August 30, 2021: “New North Korean Nuclear Activity ‘Deeply Troubling’: IAEA” Joshua Pollack quoted in NK News
August 30, 2021: “Lembaga Nuklir PBB: Aktivasi Reaktor Korut Sangat Meresahkan” Joshua Pollack quoted in Republika
August 30, 2021: “Renewed Activity at North Korea Nuclear Reactor ‘Deeply Troubling’, IAEA Says” Joshua Pollack quoted in Channel News Asia
August 26, 2021: “How Finding China’s Nuclear Sites Upset Pro-Beijing Trolls” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Foreign Policy
August 25, 2021: “China Secretly Planning Mass Deployment of Ballistic Missiles, New Silos Indicate: Report” CNS in Republic World
August 24, 2021: “What Satellite Attack Weapon Might the US Reveal Soon?” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Breaking Defense
August 23, 2021: “China Secretly Planning Mass Deployment of Ballistic Missiles, New Silos indicate: Report” CNS in Republic World
August 23, 2021: “China’s New Missile Silos (Hundreds of Them)” CNS in The Mandarin
August 19, 2021: “Satellite Imagery Shows Russia Readying ‘Burevestnik’ Nuclear Missile Test – CNN” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The Moscow Times
August 19, 2021: “Russia Readies Burevestnik Testing at Novaya Zemlya” CNS in The Barents Observer
August 18, 2021: “New Satellite Images Show Russia May Be Preparing to Test Nuclear Powered ‘Skyfall’ Missile” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in CNN, also available on ABC57.
August 12, 2021: “China’s Silos: New Intelligence, Old Problems” CNS in War on the Rocks
August 11, 2021: “Open-Source Intelligence Challenges State Monopolies on Information” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The Economist
August 7, 2021: “China’s New Missile Fields Are Just Part of the PLA Rocket Force’s Growth” CNS in Defense One
August 7, 2021: “Hopes of Revived Iran Nuclear Talks Dim Amid Delays as New Hardline President Takes Office” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in NBC 58
August 6, 2021: “OSINT” Jeffrey Lewis interview with Middlebury College
August 4, 2021: “Should StratCom Worry about China’s ‘Bouncy Castles of Death?’” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Norfolk Daily News
August 2, 2021: “Les nouveaux silos à missiles de la Chine pourraient être sa réponse aux grandes puissances nucléaires” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Business Insider France
July 30, 2021: “China Bolsters Its Nuclear Options with New Missile Silos in a Desert” CNS in Defense News
July 30, 2021: “U.S. Warns China Is Building More Nuclear Missile Silos” CNS in Los Angeles Times
July 28, 2021: “US-Russian ‘Strategic Stability Talks’ Open in Geneva Month after Putin-Biden Summit: Analysis” Nikolai Sokov and Joshua Pollack in The Eurasian Times
July 28, 2021: “Названы условия для включения других стран в ядерные переговоры России и США” Nikolai Sokov in
July 28, 2021: “С чувством тактики: о чем Россия и США договорились в Женеве” Nikolai Sokov quoted in Izvestia
July 28, 2021: “As Russia Talks Nuclear Weapons with U.S., It Forges Closer Military Ties with China” CNS in Newsweek
July 28, 2021: “What Happened: July 28, 2021” CNS in Tablet
July 21, 2021: “Nuclear Notebook: How Many Nuclear Weapons Does North Korea Have in 2021?” CNS in The Bulletin
July 19, 2021: “China’s New Missile Silos Spark Concerns of War over Taiwan” CNS in the Epoch Times
July 15, 2021: “The Future of Space Is Bigger than Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, or Elon Musk” CNS in Bloomberg Newsweek
July 15, 2021: “Planetary Motion” CNS in Quartz
July 14, 2021: “Obstacle or Opportunity for U.S.-Chinese Nuclear Arms Control?” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The National Interest
July 13, 2021: “Nuclear Armageddon: New Chinese Nuclear Missile Program Raises Tensions Between the US & China” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The Eurasian Times
July 9, 2021: “Why Nuclear Arms Control Is Dead” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The Hill
July 9, 2021: “Nuklearne zbrojenie Chin trwa, zbudowano ponad sto nowych silosów” CNS in Chip
July 8, 2021: “A Millennial’s View: ICBMs Are Ridiculous” Noah C. Mayhew in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
July 8, 2021: “With Second Missile Field, China Signals ‘Largest Expansion of Nuclear Force Ever’: NYT Report” CNS in The Print
July 6, 2021: “China Sure Is Building a Bunch of Nuclear Missile Silos” CNS in Popular Mechanics
July 5, 2021: “中國被指在西北設導彈發射井,加強戰略核能力” CNS in The New York Times (China)
July 5, 2021: “La Chine construirait plus d’une centaine de silos nucléaires dans une zone désertique ” CNS in The New York Times (China)
July 3, 2021: “China Allegedly Constructing More Than 100 New ‘Nuclear’ Missile Silos: US Think-Tank” CNS in Science Post
July 3, 2021: “Satellittbilder avdekker bygging av mer enn 100 atomrakett-siloer i den kinesiske ørkenen.” CNS in Netavisen Nyheter
July 3, 2021: “Dunia Geger, China Bangun 100 Lebih Silo Rudal Balistik Nuklir, Persiapan Perang dengan as?” CNS in Pikiran-Rakyat
July 2, 2021: “Dunia Geger Satelit Temukan Pabrik Rudal Balistik Nuklir Rahasia China” CNS in Viva
July 2, 2021: “Chinese ICBM Silos” by Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Arms Control Work
July 2, 2021: “China Bolsters Its Nuclear Options with New Missile Silos in a Desert” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The New York Times
July 2, 2021: “La Chine entame la construction de plus d’une centaine de silos à missiles” CNS in Trust my Science
July 2, 2021: “Satellite Images Show Expansion of Mysterious Chinese Airfield, Purpose Yet to Be Clear” CNS in Times of Man
July 1, 2021: “Satellite Images Reveal Nearly 120 New Missile Silos in China” CNS in Newsweek
July 1, 2021: “Cina, 100 nuovi silos per missili balistici intercontinentali” CNS in ADN Kronos
July 1, 2021: “US Calls Buildup of China’s Nuclear Arsenal ‘Concerning’” CNS in VOA News
July 1, 2021: “Today’s D Brief: CCP at 100; Ethiopian Rebels on the Move; B-52’s New Engines; Rumsfeld Passes Away; and A Bit More.” CNS in Defense One
July 1, 2021: “Congress Can’t Agree on a Massive China Bill” CNS in Foreign Policy
July 1, 2021: “China Is Radically Expanding Its Nuclear Missile Silos” Jeffrey Lewis in Foreign Policy
July 1, 2021: “La Cina sta costruendo 145 silos per missili balistici intercontinentali”: allarme del centro studi Usa dopo scontri post-vertici G7 e Nato” CNS in Il Fatto Quotidiano
June 30, 2021: “China Building More Than 100 New Missile Silos” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in the Washington Post
June 30, 2021: “China Is Radically Expanding Its Nuclear Missile Silos” Jeffrey Lewis in Foreign Policy
June 30, 2021: “China Has 100-Plus New Nuclear Missile Silos Under Construction, Satellite Images Show: Report” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Fox News
June 29, 2021: “Russia Conducts Non-Nuclear Tests, Adhering to UN Treaty” Sarah Bidgood and Jeffrey Lewis in The Organization for World Peace
June 28, 2021: “Nouvel échec au lancement en Iran?” CNS in Air & Cosmos
June 24, 2021: “Pentagone : L’Iran a échoué à lancer un satellite dans l’espace en juin” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The Times of Israel
June 23, 2021: “Iran Likely Had Failed Rocket Launch, Preparing for Another” CNS in
June 23, 2021: “Foto-Foto Satelit Tunjukkan Persiapan Peluncuran Roket Iran” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Voia indonesia
June 22, 2021: “Iran Likely Had Failed Rocket Launch, Preparing for Another” CNS in Kait8
June 22, 2021: “North Korea’s Uranium Conversion: The History and Process, Part 2” by Catherine Dill in Arms Control Work
June 17, 2021: “Putin-Biden Statement on Strategic Stability Resembles 1985 Gorbachev-Reagan one – Expert” Nikolai Sokov in UrduPoint News / Sputnik
June 15, 2021: “Biden and Putin Expected to Make Headway on Nuclear Talks” Nikolai Sokov in POLITICO
June 11, 2021: “Russia Said Providing Iran Advanced Spy Satellite to Surveil Military Targets” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in The Times of Israel
June 6, 2021: “Withdrawal of Russia, US to Render Open Skies Treaty Pointless” Nikolai Sokov and Noah Mayhew in UrduPoint News/Sputnik
June 6, 2021: “Rosja chce napięć na Bliskim Wschodzie [WYWIAD]” Hanna Notte quoted in Defence24
June 2, 2021: “It Is Surprisingly Easy to Find Top Secret US Nuclear Weapons Intel Online” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in IFL Science
June 1, 2021: “Us Presuming Chinese Lab Guilty of Leaking Covid-19 Virus Shows Ulterior Motive of Stigmatizing China” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Arms Global Times
May 29, 2021: “US Soldiers Accidentally Leak Nuclear Secrets Via Study Apps — Report” Jeffrey Lewis in DW
May 28, 2021: “Slog PM: Conflicting Mayoral Poll Memos, GOP Blocks insurrection Commission, US Nuclear Secrets Revealed Via App” Jeffrey Lewis in The Stranger
May 28, 2021: “Amerykańska broń jądrowa w Europie. informacje o wyrzutniach mogły dostać się w niepowołane ręce” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Wiadomosci
May 19, 2021: “Did the West Promise Moscow That Nato Would Not Expand? Well, It’s Complicated” Nikolai Sokov in Radio Liberty
May 13, 2021: “ISIS Used Chemical Weapons on Iraqi Prisoners, U.N. investigators Find” Richard Pilch in The Washington Post
May 12, 2021: “How to Make Sure Neutrons Save Lives Instead of End Them” Miles Pomper in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
May 12, 2021: “Open Letter in Support of Free inquiry and Discussion” William Potter in War on the Rocks
May 6, 2021: “Arden Farr Named A 2021 Knight-Hennessy Scholar” Arden Farr, undergraduate Research Fellow, in UGA Today
April 26, 2021: “It’s Not Radioactive Disneyland: Visit Chernobyl, but Respect It” Margarita Kalinina-Pohl in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
April 25, 2021: “Analyst: Rocket Engine Test Likely Caused Blast in Israel” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in AP News
April 25, 2021: “Israel Tested Solid Fuel Missile Engine, U.S. Expert Claims” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Haaretz
April 23, 2021: “Israeli Rocket Motor Test” by Jeffrey Lewis in Arms Control Work
April 22, 2021: “The UC Interview Series: Prof. Robert Legvold” Hanna Notte in University Consortium
April 20, 2021: “Biden’s Sanctions Targeting Russian Cyber Behavior Could Backfire” Sarah Bidgood quoted in World Politics Review
April 19, 2021: “Don’t Kick Russia Out of the Chemical Weapons Convention Over Navalny” Hanna Notte in Foreign Policy
April 16, 2021: “How the U.S. and Russia Can Go Beyond New Start” Sarah Bidgood quoted in World Politics Review
April 16, 2021: “Kim Jong Un Attends Concert with North Korea’s First Lady” David Schmerler quoted in UPI
April 14, 2021: “Can Biden Go Big on Arms Control with Russia?” Sarah Bidgood in World Politics Review
April 13, 2021: “Iran to Enrich Uranium to Highest Level Ever After Attack on Nuclear Facility, Official Says” CNS in CBS News
April 12, 2021: “Watchdog Cites New Evidence Linking Syrian Army to 2018 Chemical Weapons Attack” Hanna Notte quoted in The Washington Post
April 8, 2021: “Will Iran Accept Russia’s Ideas for a Middle East Regional Security Process?” Hanna Notte in Valdai Discussion Club
March 31, 2021: “Inter-Korean Missile Race May Leave North Korea with Tactical Nuclear Weapons” Joshua Pollack quoted in The Japan Times
March 30, 2021: “Son dakika: Kim’in kız kardeşinden şok sözler! Bu benzetme dünyayı ayağa kaldırdı…” Michael Duitsman quoted in Miliyet
March 29, 2021: “Analysis: Inter-Korean Missile Race May Leave North Korea with Tactical Nuclear Weapons” Joshua Pollack quoted in Reuters
March 26, 2021: “Korea Kaskazini: Makombora tuliofyatua ‘yaliongozwa kwa mbinu mpya’” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in BBC News Swahili
March 26, 2021: “Ternyata ini Rudal Balistik Korut yang Diuji Coba, Bisa Bawa Hulu Ledak 2,5 ton” CNS mentioned in Inews
March 25, 2021: “North Korea Says It Tested New ‘Tactical Guided Projectile’ on Thursday – KCNA” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Reuters
March 25, 2021: “North Korea Says It Tested ‘Newly Developed Missile to Strengthen Military” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in NK News
March 25, 2021: “Son dakika… Korkulan oldu! Dünya gece yarısı 01.07’de duydu” Michael Duitsman quoted in Miliyet
March 17, 2021: “Son dakika haberi… Küresel krize dönüştü! Çin çileden çıktı…” Michael Duitsman quoted in Miliyet
March 15, 2021: “小步進展或一步到位 拜登北韓政策陷兩難” CNS in Radio Taiwan International
March 11, 2021: “Europe’s Sputtering Nuclear Renaissance” Miles Pomper quoted in POLITICO News
March 4, 2021: “Biden Faces Calls to Adopt More Pragmatic Approach on North Korea” CNS mentioned in the Japan Times
March 3, 2021: “US, Russia May Re-Negotiate Open Skies After New START Extension, INF Likely Dead” Noah Mayhew quoted in UrduPoint News/Sputnik
March 3, 2021: “Analysis: Biden Faces Calls to Jumpstart North Korea Talks with More Pragmatic Goals” CNS mentioned in Reuters
February 28, 2021: “Construction Underway at Secretive Israeli Nuclear Site” Avner Cohen quoted in the Columbian
February 26, 2021: “Democrats Want Biden to Give Up Sole Authority for Nuclear Launches” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Wion News
February 26, 2021:“See Images of A Secretive Israeli Nuclear Facility Undergoing Major Construction” Avner Cohen quoted in Defense News
February 24, 2021: “Secretive Israeli Nuclear Facility Undergoes Major Project” Avner Cohen quoted in AP News
February 20, 2021: “Fate of Iran Nuclear Deal Depends on Diplomatic Dexterity from All Sides in Coming Weeks” Noah Mayhew in UrduPoint News/Sputnik
February 19, 2021: “Trump’s Erratic Presidency Is the Latest Sign Giving One Person Control of the ‘Nukes’, Is Dangerous” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Insider
February 11, 2021: “Experts Urge Biden to Restore U.S. Leadership in Global Nuclear Security” Miles Pomper quoted in Reuters
February 10, 2021: “US Fears ‘Moving Too Soon’ on North Korea, State Department Official Says” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in NK News
February 5, 2021: “The Politics and Passions of Three-Dimensional Chess” Nikolai Sokov mentioned in the Boston Globe
February 2, 2021: “Iran Says Joe Biden’s Nuclear Deal Window Is Closing as Tehran Tests New Rocket” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in the Newsweek
February 1, 2021: “It’s Time to Prohibit Radiological Weapons” William Potter, Sarah Bidgood, Sam Meyer and in the European Leadership Network
January 30, 2021: “Nuclear Proliferation Is Not Fast, but It Is Frightening” Jeffrey Lewis and David Schmerler in the Economist
January 27, 2021: “Decoding Jim Jong Un’s Latest Show of Strength” CNS mentioned in World Politics Review
January 27, 2021: “Biden’s UN Pick Wants China and Russia to Choke North Koren Nuclear Program” Senior research associate Shea Cotton quoted in NK News
January 26, 2021: “«Отложим кризис на пять лет» США готовы продлить ракетный договор с Россией. Почему Байден решил пойти на уступки?” Angela Kane and Nikolai Sokov in
January 25, 2021: “Revitalizing Nonproliferation Cooperation with Russia and China” Robert Einhorn in Brookings
January 25, 2021: “Biden Has a Model for Dealing with Regional Fears of Iranian Missiles and Proxies” Hanna Notte, senior nonresident research associate, in Foreign Policy
January 21, 2021: “Nuclear Verification in a Middle East WMD-Free Zone: Lessons from Past Verification Cases and Other Precedents” John Carlson for UNIDIR
January 21, 2021: “Europa Muss in Liben seine Hausaufgaben machen” Hanna Notte, senior nonresident research associate, in Zenith Magazine
January 20, 2021: “Biden’s Secretary of State Nominee Vows to ‘Increase Pressure’ on North Korea” Joshua Pollack in NK News
January 18, 2021: “US Scientist Who Led Charge against COVID Lab Leak Theory Admits He Was Trying to Protect Chinese Scientists” Miles Pomper in the Daily Caller
January 18, 2021: “13,000 shots, Will Nuclear Disarmament Proceed?” Bill Potter in Asahi Shimbun
January 18, 2021: “The Story of the Jet That Would Have Delivered South Africa’s Nuclear Bomb” Jeffrey Lewis in the Drive
January 18, 2021: “North Korea’s Kim Could Be Planning Missile Launch to Welcome Biden Administration” Jeffrey Lewis and Dave Schmerler in Washington Post
January 16, 2021: “Open Skies Treaty Could Still Be Saved If Biden Administration Reverses Withdrawal” Miles Pomper and Nikolai Sokov in Sputnik News
January 15, 2021: “Kim Jong Un offers a Rare Sneak Peek at North Korea’s Weapons Program” Joshua Pollack in Wall Street Journal
January 15, 2021: “Kim Jong Un’s New Missile Points to Early Provocations for Biden” Jeffrey Lewis in Bloomberg News
January 15, 2021: “North Korea Unveils New Submarine-Launched Missiles in Huge Military Parade” Michael Duitsman in the Independent
January 15, 2021: “The World Needs a Real Investigation into the Origins of Covid-19” Miles Pomper in Wall Street Journal
January 15, 2021: “Kim Jong Un’s New Weapons at North Korea Parade Could Be Warning to Biden” Michael Duitsman in Newsweek
January 15, 2021: “North Korea Showcases What It Calls ‘World’s Most Powerful Weapon’” Michael Duitsman in Fox News
January 14, 2021: “North Korea Shows Off New Submarine-Launched Missiles After Rare Party Congress” Michael Duitsman in Reuters
January 14, 2021: “Kim Jong Un Throws Down a Nuclear Gauntlet—His Regime Will Build a Solid-Fuel ICBM” Jeffrey Lewis in Forbes
January 10, 2021: “Kim Jong Un Appears to Hold Military Parade After Blasting U.S.” CNS database cited in Bloomberg News
January 9, 2021: “The Little-Known Story of the US and Soviet Pursuit of Radiological Weapons” Sarah Bidgood, Bill Potter, and Sam Meyer in the Wire
January 8, 2021: “House Speaker Pelosi Says She Spoke to Top U.S. General About Restraining Trump” Jeffrey Lewis in Reuters
January 8, 2021: “Pelosi Asks Military to Limit Trump’s Nuclear Authority. Here’s How That System Works” Joshua Pollack on NPR
January 2, 2021: “Iran Says Has ‘Finger on Trigger’ to Enrich Uranium to 20% ‘as Soon as Possible’” Jeffrey Lewis in Reuters (via independent Journal Review)