
South Africa’s Nuclear-Related Facilities

Facilities include: mining and milling, conversion, uranium enrichment, fuel fabrication, reactors and critical assemblies, waste disposal and weapons-dedicated facilities.

UNSCOM: United Nations Special Commission

Laboratory analyses seek to establish what substances filled special missile warheads remnants excavated in Iraq.

Report of the Executive Chairman on the Activities of the Special Commission

Executive Chairman publishes Special Commission’s findings on Iraq’s WMD and missile capabilities.

Flag of Russia

Russian Missile Exports to Iran – The 1998 Moscow Summit

Excerpt from the NIS Nuclear Profiles Database provides an overview of Russian missile exports to Iran.

800 Russian Gyroscopes to Iraq: Conclusions

The question qui prodest? – who profits? drove the Center for Policy Studies in Russia to investigate “The Gyroscope Deal” between Russia and Iraq.

The Case Russia Forgot

Russia continues to fail in its enforcement of its regulations against missile exports.

Russian Missile Technology Sold to Iraq as Scrap

Gyroscopes discovered in Iraq originated from a closed military institute in Russia.

Next Steps in Nuclear Disarmament: The Challenge of Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Countries may seek to deploy more and have a greater reliance upon tactical nuclear weapons unless actions are taken to prevent this from happening.