
Could low-enriched uranium be used in naval reactors

Reducing Risks from Naval Nuclear Fuel

Laura Rockwood and George Moore offer insights into the nuclear security and proliferation challenges of nuclear-powered submarines.

Roundtable event photo

NPT Roundtable Discussion Co-hosted by CNS and the Malaysian Mission to the UN

The event, entitled “The 2019 NPT PrepCom: What Is to Be Done?” was held on October 25, 2018 at the Malaysian Mission in New York.

OP#40: Monitoring Uranium Mining and Milling in China and North Korea through Remote Sensing Imagery

OP#40: Monitoring Uranium Mining and Milling in China and North Korea through Remote Sensing Imagery

Monitoring uranium mines and mills from space can provide insight into possible nuclear-weapons proliferation.

Generic News Logo Foreign Policy

Trump’s Punk Rock Nuclear Policy

The only reason to pull out of the INF Treaty is to give a middle finger to the world.

OP#39: Safeguards and Verification in Inaccessible Territories

Identifying lessons from Iraq, Libya, Syria, Fukushima/Japan, and Crimea/Ukraine.

Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress

Why Radiation Protection Experts Are Concerned over EPA Proposal

New proposed rules have little scientific backing but promise financial benefits for industry.

Peacemaker SS-17

The Presidential Nuclear Initiatives, 1991-1992

An assessment of past performance and future relevance

OP#38: Geo4Nonpro 2.0

OP#38: Geo4Nonpro 2.0

CNS redesigned the ideal platform for crowdsourcing geospatial analysis of suspected WMD sites.

The National Interest logo

It Is Time to Update the President’s Nuclear Command Authority

Increased oversight, under the right circumstances, would decrease the risk of any US president using nuclear weapons preemptively or without just cause.

Nuclear power plant at night (Src: Pixababy from Pexels, used under Creative Commons Zero license)

Radioactive Material is Still Missing in Malaysia: Cause for Concern?

This material could be used to build a radiological dispersal device (RDD), commonly known as a “dirty bomb.”