
CTBTO Logo and Webinar Video banner with video play button

Strengthening the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and its Verification Regime

Panel discussions on the importance of the CTBT to national/international security and the nonproliferation regime.

UN Building in New York at night with words projected Nuclear Weapons Now Illegal

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: What’s Next

WEBINAR: Speakers address the treaty’s impact on nuclear disarmament and the international nonproliferation regime.

Generic News Logo Foreign Policy

Biden Has a Model for Dealing with Regional Fears of Iranian Missiles and Proxies

The Arms Control and Regional Security working group convened after the 1991 Madrid peace conference failed, but it offers important lessons for today.

The International Luxembourg Forum on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe with graphic of an x-ray of a hand

How US Election Results Will Affect the Middle East and the Future of the JCPOA

VIDEO: CNS senior non-resident scholar Dr. Notte speaks on the return to the JCPOA.

The National Interest logo

Can Russia Help Biden Get a Comprehensive Agreement with Iran?

Russian competition with Iran in Syria will afford Washington limited opportunities to rely on Russian leverage-plays with Tehran.

William C. Potter and Anton Khlopkov on CENESS panels (Src: CENESS)

Can Shared US–Russian Interests Lead to Joint Action?

William C. Potter and Anton Khlopkov in Kommersant.

Photo of Bill Potter smiling behind a mic overlapping a photo of a panel discussion

Bill Potter on Prospects for US-Russia Cooperation under Biden

VIDEO: A video call with the International Luxembourg Forum

Book cover and author Jennet Conant

The Classified WWII Disaster that Launched the War on Cancer

Webinar: The author discusses her new book, The Great Secret: The Classified World War II Disaster that Launched the War on Cancer.

Logo with just the words Middlebury Magazine white on black background

What’s The Deal?

Everything you need to know about the Iranian nuclear deal.

Kim Jong Un viewing a missile launch test

Short Course: Tracking North Korea’s WMD and Sanctions Evasion with Open Sources

New course teaching cutting-edge research techniques, tools, and resources used by CNS experts.