
The Role of the IAEA in Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Disarmament

The role of the IAEA in promoting nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament.

CNS article

OP#02: A History of Ballistic Missile Development in the DPRK

Occasional Paper #2: By Joseph S. Bermudez, Jr.

Former Soviet Biological Weapons Facilities in Kazakhstan: Forward

Jonathan Tucker’s Forward to the report on the former Soviet biological weapons facilities in Kazakhstan.

CNS article

OP#01: Former Soviet Biological Weapons Facilities in Kazakhstan: Past, Present, and Future

Occasional Paper #1: Kazakhstani facilities involved in the research and development, production, and testing of biological weapons (BW) played a key role in the former Soviet BW program.

South Africa’s Nuclear-Related Facilities

Facilities include: mining and milling, conversion, uranium enrichment, fuel fabrication, reactors and critical assemblies, waste disposal and weapons-dedicated facilities.

CNS Resources on South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons Program

South Africa’s nuclear chronology and nuclear facilities lists.

South Africa’s Nuclear-Related Facilities

CNS resources on South Africa’s nuclear facilities

South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons Program: An Annotated Chronology, 1969-1994

CNS Resources on the facilities in South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons Program

CNS Resources on South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons Program

Find research on South Africa’s history, facilities, lessons for US policy, organization, locations and more.

Organization Chart of South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons Program in the Mid-1980s

Diagram of a state-owned firm and the state weapons production and procurement agency.