
Russian Shipping Damaged Fuel

Russian Military Violates Nuclear Safety by Shipping Damaged Fuel

Military neglects safety & accounting procedures of naval spent nuclear fuel.

Russia Announces Plans to Participate in Research on Vozrozhdeniye Island

Research on a Soviet-era biological weapons test site in the Aral Sea.

Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM), US Navy

Greater Attention Pledged to Russian Triad’s Naval Leg

An announcement was given to procure 40 sea-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs).

Russian Nerpa Submarine, WikiMedia Commons

Russia to Lease Two Nuclear Submarines to India

The leased submarines are expected to be armed with Club-S missiles.

Fissile Material Trafficking in the Newly Independent States (NIS) 1991-2001

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, there have been frequent reports of illicit trafficking in fissile materials from the Newly Independent States (NIS).

Russian Policy Toward Afghanistan

Due to its instability and shared borders with neighboring states, developments in Afghanistan have long been Russia’s concern.

NISNP Core Group: Meetings and Training

An informal network of nonproliferation specialists who have participated in training programs and maintain contact with CNS.

Nuclear Weapons, Fissile Material, and Export Controls in the Former Soviet Union

Jon Brook Wolfsthal Cristina Chuen Emily Ewell Daughtry June 18, 2001 Status Report On June 18, 2001 the sixth edition of the joint Monterey Institute-Carnegie Endowment Nuclear Status Report was released at the Carnegie Endowment’s Nonproliferation Conference in Washington, DC. This report is the most complete single source of information on Russia’s nuclear arsenal and stockpile, the […]

Nuclear Status Report in the Former Soviet Union

Nuclear Status Report: Nuclear Weapons, Fissile Material, and Export Controls in the Former Soviet Union

2001 Workshop on Russian Nuclear Regionalism and US Policy

Policymakers, non-governmental analysts, and journalists met for the workshop in Washington, DC.