
The “Federal Face” of Nuclear Regionalism: From Spent Force to Spent Fuel?

Vladimir Putin seeks more political integration in Russia through federal reforms.

Minatom’s Regional Policy: Rumiantsev, One Year Later

Development of civilian nuclear technology is key to the Ministry of Atomic Energy’s coherent regional policy.

The 2004 Russian Government Reforms

The reforms background and an overview of the restructuring.

Export Control Observer

Export Control Observer

International Export Control Observer (IECO) launched in September 2005. The IECO replaced the NIS and Asian Export Control Observers.

Nuclear Successor States of the Soviet Union

The status of nuclear weapons, weapons-usable nuclear material, export controls, and nonproliferation and disarmament assistance programs in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine.

Uranium Seizure in Slovakia Produces Exaggerated News Reports

Recent trafficking case gains media attention despite little evidence of proliferation-significant activity.

Workshop on Implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540

Implementing the United Nations Security Council Resolution in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

CNS Researcher Speaks on Nuclear Terrorism at Russian Duma

Overview of the international seminar on Countering Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism.

Russia Tests Two New Missiles on the Same Day

Russia’s tests were advertised as a response to Eastern European missile defense, but are they?

Russian Nuclear-Powered Submarine Dismantlement and Related Activities

A look at the development of the Strategic Master Plan for Northwest Russia (SMP).