
CNS senior experts teach nonproliferation to future Chilean diplomats

The week-long course in Santiago is part of a strong and growing relationship between the Chilean Foreign Ministry and CNS.

Conference of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention 2007

A Strategy for the Chemical Weapons Convention

In the absence of further innovation and action, the Chemical Weapons Convention may ‘become a hammer without a nail.’

Should We Fear the Unconventional? Why ISIL’s Chemical Weapons Are Causing the West to Panic

A review of future considerations in global attitudes to weapons of mass destruction proliferation by non-state actors.

Iran Preparing for Possible Rocket Launch

Satellite analysis indicates an imminent test by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Kwangmyongsong missile

Are You Scared About North Korea’s Thermonuclear ICBM?

Jeffrey Lewis offers a self-dubbed “wildly unpopular plan” to counter Pyongyang’s missile program.

Park Geun-Hye meeting with Barack Obama. (source: Wikimedia Commons)

OP#24: Strengthening the ROK-US Nuclear Partnership

Occasional Paper #24: This report identifies challenges and opportunities for the next phase of the ROK-US nuclear partnership.

Why Obama’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Commitments Fell Short

Obama’s presidency has served as an object lesson in the limits of a US president’s ability to shape a global nuclear order amid competing factors, abroad and domestic.

Google Earth image

North Korea Announces Rocket Launch February 8-25

North Korea’s peaceful space launch activities do double duty for its military program.

Satellite imagery of the Sohae Satellite Launch Center, North Korea.

DPRK Prepares for New Rocket Test

Recent activity at the Sohae Satellite Launch Center indicates North Korea may be preparing for a rocket test.

US and Iran Flags (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Iran Deal Provides Greater Opportunity for Regional Stability

In an unstable Middle East neighborhood, most people hope for the best and plan for the worst.