Middle East

Putin and Erdogan

Russia Becomes the Middle East’s Preferred but Flawed Nuclear Partner

With little notice, Russia is on the verge of becoming the nuclear Wal-Mart of the Middle East.

Miles Pomper

Syria Agrees to Return Highly Enriched Uranium to China

Miles Pomper comments in Al-Monitor on Syria’s decision to repatriate highly enriched uranium to China.

The construction site near Dinoma in the Negev desert for Israel's then-secret nuclear reactor were taken during the last months of 1960. [ Src: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/nukevault/ebb510/ ]

The US Discovery of Israel’s Dimona Complex

Israeli cover stories about the Dimona Complex Reactor dismayed US officials who saw a “clearly apparent lack of candor.”

Flag of Iran (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Iran Nuclear Deal Media Roundup

With the completion of the Iran nuclear deal, CNS experts share their comments and helpful resources.

Iran Nuclear Negotiations

Congress Needs to Step Up and Support Iran Nuclear Negotiations

Find out what’s in play and at stake if an eleventh hour comprehensive nuclear agreement isn’t reached next week.

Jon Wolfsthal at The Wilson Center

Jon Wolfsthal on Iran Nuclear Negotiations and Timelines

CNS Deputy discusses ongoing Iran nuclear negotiations, timelines, and possible pitfalls if and when an agreement is reached.

Jon Wolfsthal

Iran’s Nuclear Program: Negotiating Solutions

Some of Iran’s past nuclear activities have to be disclosed, but maybe not all.

Middle East Next Generation Network Website Launched

CNS launches new website to promote nonproliferation expertise and engagement in the Middle East.

iran nuclear agreement

The Iran Nuclear Agreement

Seminar on the Iran Nuclear Joint Plan of Action featuring CNS experts.

Iran Naysayers Should Not Win the Day

US and Iran have just begun peace talks. Given time and a chance, who knows what might happen?