Margarita Kalinina-Pohl Articles

BSWN Network Members

CNS Celebrates a Successful First Year of the Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network

The meeting in Malta gathered 35 regional and international participants from Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Türkiye, Ukraine, Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom, and United States.

Group photo

US-Black Sea Nonproliferation Professionals Exchange: US Module

Participants from six countries fostered ties between US and Black Sea technical and policy communities with tours of both of the National Laboratories, nuclear science museums, and Washington DC.

Participants of the workshop in Dushanbe, Tajikistan

CNS Supports Radioactive Source Users in Central Asia and Azerbaijan in Improving Security Culture

CNS completed a year-long project to increase radiological security culture awareness in Central Asia and Azerbaijan.

Participants with US Ambassador Laura Holgate

CNS Launches the US-Black Sea Nonproliferation Exchange Initiative

The initiative will serve as a channel for a deeper coordination and support between nonproliferation professionals including scholars/researchers and diplomats/practitioners.

Encouraging Gender Balance in the Nuclear Field Through Mentorship, Education, and Networking

Explores challenges women in the nonproliferation field still face and how mentorship and educational opportunities can break some barriers.

Illustration of an atom

CNS Champions the Establishment of the Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network

A joint effort between CNS and the Los Alamos National Laboratory culminated in the establishment of a professional network for women working in nuclear fields in the Black Sea region.

CNS Visiting Fellows Participate in the Washington Pilot Project

Mid-career experts learned from D.C. based experts from the Department of State, Department of Energy, Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), CNS, Arms Control Association and the National Academy of Sciences.

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Promoting the Role of Women in STEM in Africa through WMD Nonproliferation Capacity Building

CNS and AFRICSIS held a two-week virtual intensive course on WMD Nonproliferation and Security for Women in STEM.

ICONS 2020

ICONS 2020

A large and visible cohort of CNS experts and alumni demonstrate the efficacy of civil society in the nuclear security field.

Nuclear power plant at night (Src: Pixababy from Pexels, used under Creative Commons Zero license)

Radioactive Material is Still Missing in Malaysia: Cause for Concern?

This material could be used to build a radiological dispersal device (RDD), commonly known as a “dirty bomb.”