Jean DuPreez Articles

Advancing the Process to Negotiate a Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty

Results from a series of regional workshops and expert meetings by the fissile material cut off treaty (FMCT) expert preparatory group.

Summer School 2020 breakout room

Leading by Example

Online Nonproliferation and Disarmament Summer School for Latin American and Caribbean Diplomats.

Two women in masks, face shields, and coveralls with pens and clipboards registering people taking the test for covid 19

COVID-19 Update and Implications for the Future

WEBINAR: with CNS expert Dr. Richard Pilch, BCW Nonproliferation Director.

Outside view of the building, reactor 4, including the sarcophagus

34 Years after the Chernobyl Disaster

WEBINAR: Examining the challenges and prospects for the exclusion zone.

The underground nuclear test Site at Novaya Zemlya, Russia

US Claims of Russian Noncompliance with Nuclear-Test Ban Raise Questions

CNS experts on fact-checking, background, and implications of the accusations.

CNS Summer Nonproliferation Program Attracts Top-Level Undergraduates

Top-level undergraduate interns work and study at CNS this summer, focusing on current challenges to the nonproliferation regime.

2016-17 Critical Issues Forum Focuses on CTBT

This year’s participants will study nuclear weapon-testing history, the CTBT negotiations, the treaty’s current status, challenges, and prospects.

Kim Jong Il and officials

North Korea’s Withdrawal From the NPT: A Reality Check

April 8, 2003 Jean du Preez and William Potter April 10 marks a significant event in the history of the 32-year-old nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Since its entry into force in 1970, the NPT has grown to 188 members and become the most widely subscribed to international treaty in history. That number will decline by […]